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Search Term: Topics: Computer software >> Graphic design softwares,

Number of matches: 386

Computer software

Savin-Baden, Maggi; Burden, David;

The Metaverse for Learning and Education

Chapman and Hall, 2024
Hardback 45 880 HUF

Savin-Baden, Maggi; Burden, David;

The Metaverse for Learning and Education

Chapman and Hall, 2024
Paperback 17 866 HUF

Carter, Marcus

Fantasies of Virtual Reality: Untangling Fiction, Fact, and Threat

MIT Press, 2024
Paperback 9 614 HUF

Latini, Arianna;

Immersive Virtual Reality for a Building Occupant-Centric Design: Defining, Validating and Applying an Innovative Framework

Springer, 2024
Hardback 70 641 HUF

Cyber Enigma: Unravelling the Terror in the Cyber World Dilipraj, E.;

Cyber Enigma: Unravelling the Terror in the Cyber World

Routledge, 2024
Paperback 19 315 HUF

Far-Right Extremism Online: Beyond the Fringe Munk, Tine;

Far-Right Extremism Online: Beyond the Fringe

Routledge, 2024
Hardback 23 662 HUF

Vergara Villegas, Osslan Osiris; Cruz Sánchez, Vianey Guadalupe;

Augmented Reality: Fundamentals and Applications

CRC Press, 2024
Hardback 50 715 HUF

La Counte, Scott

Le Guide Coloré Du Zoom: Un Guide Pour La Vidéoconférence Zoom Avec Des Graphiques Et Des Illustrations En Couleur

SL Editions, 2024
Paperback 10 400 HUF

Garcia-zubia, Javier; Hernandez-jayo, Unai; Alves, Gustavo Ribeiro Da Costa;

Visir Handbook: Analog Electronics With The Visir Remote Lab: Real Online Experiments

World Scientific, 2024
Hardback 48 300 HUF

Chen, Tin-Chih Toly;

Explainable Ambient Intelligence (XAmI): Explainable Artificial Intelligence Applications in Smart Life

Springer, 2024
Paperback 19 864 HUF

In the Land of the Unreal: Virtual and Other Realities in Los Angeles Messeri, Lisa;

In the Land of the Unreal: Virtual and Other Realities in Los Angeles

Duke University Press Books, 2024
Paperback 12 070 HUF

In the Land of the Unreal: Virtual and Other Realities in Los Angeles Messeri, Lisa;

In the Land of the Unreal: Virtual and Other Realities in Los Angeles

Duke University Press Books, 2024
Hardback 46 851 HUF

The Phenomenology of Virtual Technology: Perception and Imagination in a Digital Age O'Shiel, Daniel;

The Phenomenology of Virtual Technology: Perception and Imagination in a Digital Age

Bloomsbury Academic, 2024
Paperback 14 002 HUF

La Counte, Scott

Primeros Pasos Con La Visión Pro: La Guía Increíblemente Fácil Para Entender Y Utilizar Visionos Y La Computación Espacial

SL Editions, 2024
Paperback 11 556 HUF

La Counte, Scott

Getting Started with the Vision Pro: The Insanely Easy Guide to Understanding and Using visionOS and Spacial Computing

SL Editions, 2024
Paperback 10 400 HUF

La Counte, Scott

ビジョンを始めるプロフェッショナル: VISIONOS

SL Editions, 2024
Paperback 12 327 HUF

La Counte, Scott

开始使用 Vision专业版: 了解和使用 Visionos 和空间计

SL Editions, 2024
Paperback 11 556 HUF

Subburaj, Karupppasamy; Singh, Sunpreet; Ćuković, Saša;(ed.)

Smart VR/AR/MR Systems for Professionals

CRC Press, 2024
Hardback 48 295 HUF

Eldridge, Luci; Trivedi, Nina; (ed.)

Robotic Vision and Virtual Interfacing: Seeing, Sensing, Shaping

Edinburgh University Press, 2024
Hardback 45 885 HUF

Papakostas, Christos; Troussas, Christos; Sgouropoulou, Cleo;

Special Topics in Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality: The Case of Spatial Intelligence Enhancement

Springer, 2024
Hardback 57 395 HUF

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