Walter Hawkesworth's Labyrinthus: An Edition with a Translation and Commentary Volume II
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Terjedelem:344 oldal
Méret:229x152 mm
Súly:453 g

Walter Hawkesworth's Labyrinthus

An Edition with a Translation and Commentary Volume II
Sorozatcím: Routledge Revivals;
Kiadás sorszáma: 1
Kiadó: Routledge
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GBP 105.00
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50 715 Ft (48 300 Ft + 5% áfa)
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45 644 (43 470 Ft + 5% áfa )
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Rövid leírás:

Originally compiled and published in 1988, this vole contains the full text and translation of Walter Hawkesworth's Labyrinthus, alongside textual and critical notes, including essays on the author, the staging and the style and language. This is the second of two volumes.

Hosszú leírás:

Originally compiled and published in 1988, this vole contains the full text and translation of Walter Hawkesworth's Labyrinthus, alongside textual and critical notes, including essays on the author, the staging and the style and language. This is the second of two volumes.

Volume I.  Introduction.  1. Latin Drama at Cambridge and the Influence of Italy.  2. The Author.  3. The Dating of Performances of Labyrinthus.  4. The Staginf of Labyrinthus.  5 .Sources for Labyrinthus.  6. Style and Language.  7. Metre.  8. The Texts.  9. Editorial Procedure and Principles.  10. The Text of This Edition.  Labyrinthus: Text and Translation.  Volume II. 1. Textual Variants.  2. Variants in Stage Directions.  3. Changes in Punctuation.  4. Textual Notes.  5. Commentary.  6. Appendices.  7. List of Works Cited.