Thomas Kinkade Paint with Water: Through the Seasons
A termék adatai:

Terjedelem:80 oldal
Méret:203x241x12 mm
Súly:386 g
Illusztrációk: Full color intro, B-W coloring pages

Thomas Kinkade Paint with Water

Through the Seasons
Kiadó: Thunder Bay Press
Megjelenés dátuma:
Kötetek száma: Trade Paperback
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GBP 9.99
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4 825 Ft (4 595 Ft + 5% áfa)
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4 101 (3 906 Ft + 5% áfa )
Kedvezmény(ek): 15% (kb. 724 Ft)
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Becsült beszerzési idő: Jelenleg 3-6 hét, néha még több idő. E kiadónál gyakori, hogy újra kell nyomnia a köteteket..
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Rövid leírás:

Create gorgeous and inspiring scenes inspired by the art of Thomas Kinkade with just a little water and a few strokes of a paintbrush.

Hosszú leírás:
Create gorgeous and inspiring scenes inspired by the art of Thomas Kinkade with just a little water and a few strokes of a paintbrush.

Thomas Kinkade’s timeless paintings of small-town America, idyllic landscapes, and Christmas celebrations have charmed fans for decades. With&&&160;Thomas Kinkade Paint with Water: Through the Seasons, you can create beautiful scenes—organized across each season of the year—as if by magic. Use the included paintbrush to apply gentle strokes of water to each of the 36 specially treated pages&&&160;and watch as the colors emerge and blend to create a beautiful watercolor painting. Each page is perforated for easy removal so that your finished masterpieces can be displayed or given as gifts.