Seneca Hercules
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Terjedelem:816 oldal
Méret:223x147x48 mm
Súly:986 g

Seneca Hercules

Kiadó: OUP Oxford
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GBP 190.00
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91 770 Ft (87 400 Ft + 5% áfa)
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82 593 (78 660 Ft + 5% áfa )
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Rövid leírás:

Hercules is a tragedy of great theatrical, poetic, and cultural value, addressing central issues of early imperial Rome, even as it speaks profoundly to our times. This edition offers a newly edited Latin text, English verse translation, and a detailed commentary setting the work in its theatrical and historical context.

Hosszú leírás:
Hercules is a tragedy of great theatrical, poetic, and cultural value. Written probably at the intersection of the principates of Claudius and Nero, it addresses central issues of early imperial Rome, even as it speaks profoundly to our times. Among its concerns are violence and madness; imperatives of family and self; Rome, identity and place; the nature of virtue; the longing for immortality; the theatre of rage; and the empire of death. The play is dramatically innovative, spectacular, and arresting: from its fiery, monumental god-prologue (the only one in Senecan tragedy), through meditative soliloquies, impassioned speeches, trenchant dialogue, a failed wooing scene with an impressive after-life in Tudor drama, a stunning entrance for Hercules and his captured hellhound, Theseus' ecphrastic narrative of the hero's infernal 'labour', to a familicidal madness scene and an emotionally turbulent, non-violent finale, in which the instinct for self-punitive suicide is thwarted by the claims of kinship and the acceptance of intolerable suffering. The whole is bound together by some of Seneca's most affective choral lyrics, as intellectually engaging as they are emotionally potent.

Hercules is A. J. Boyle's sixth, full-scale edition for OUP of a play by or attributed to Seneca. It offers a comprehensive introduction, newly edited Latin text, English verse translation designed for both performance and academic study, and a detailed exegetic, analytic, and interpretative commentary. The aim has been to elucidate the text dramatically as well as philologically, and to locate the play firmly in its contemporary historical and theatrical context and the ensuing literary and dramatic tradition. As such, its substantial influence on European drama from the sixteenth to the twenty-first centuries is given emphasis throughout; this and the accessibility of the commentary to Latinless readers make the edition particularly useful to scholars and students not only of classics, but also of comparative literature and drama, and to anyone interested in the cultural dynamics of literary reception and the interplay between theatre and history.

The book is immaculately produced and proof-read and comes complete with indexes of Latin words and of references to other Senecan dramas as well as a general index.
Seneca and Rome
Roman Theatre
The Declamatory Style
Seneca's Theatre of Violence
Seneca and Suicide
The Myth before Seneca
The Play
Reception of Seneca's Hercules
The Translation
Selective Critical Apparatus
Differences from the 1986 Oxford Classical Text
Select Bibliography
Latin Words
Passages from Other Plays of the Senecan Tragic Corpus
General Index