Digital Fashion Innovations

Advances in Design, Simulation, and Industry
Kiadás sorszáma: 1
Kiadó: CRC Press
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GBP 71.99
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34 771 Ft (33 115 Ft + 5% áfa)
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31 294 (29 804 Ft + 5% áfa )
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Digitalisation is becoming standard practice within the fashion industry, reinforced by the Covid-19 pandemic. Digital Fashion Innovations captures the state-of-art developments taking place in this multi-disciplinary field.

Hosszú leírás:

Digitalisation is becoming a standard practice in the fashion industry. Innovation in digital fashion is not just limited to computer-aided design (CAD) and manufacturing (CAM), rather it runs throughout the fashion supply chain, from product life cycle management and developing new business models that promote sustainability to connecting virtual and augmenting reality (VR/AR) with fashion for enhanced consumers experience through smart solutions. Digital Fashion Innovations: Advances in Design, Simulation, and Industry captures the state-of-art developments taking place in this multi-disciplinary field:

  • Discusses digital fashion design and e-prototyping, including 2D/3D CAD, digital pattern cutting, virtual drape simulation and fit analysis.

  • Covers digital human modelling and VR/AR technology.

  • Details digital fashion business and promotion, including application of e-tools for supply chain, e-commerce, block chain technologies, big data, and artificial intelligence (AI).

This interdisciplinary book will appeal to professionals working in textile and fashion technology, those developing AR and AI for clothing end uses, and anyone interested in the business of digital fashion and textile design. It will also be of interest to scientists and engineers working in anthropometry for a variety of disciplines, such as medical devices and ergonomics.


Part A: Introduction. 1. Defining Digital Fashion and Tracking the Developments in Relevant Technologies. Part B: Digital Design and E-Prototyping. 2. Clothing Fit Evaluation: From Physical to Virtual. 3. The Virtual Fitting Process?How Precisely Does 3D Simulation Represent Physical Reality?. 4. Virtual Fit of Bodices Constructed Following Contemporary Methods. 5. Scan2Weave: Connecting Digital Anthropometry With 3D Weaving Technology. Part C: Digital Human and Metaverse. 6. Processing Data from High Speed 4D Body-Scanning System for Application in Clothing Development. 7. Smart Mirrors: Augmented, but Not Yet Reality. Part D: Digital Business and Promotion. 8. Direct-to-Consumer Fashion Brands: The Digitally Native Start-Ups in the Retail Industry. 9. Fashion Marketing with Virtual Humans as Influencers. 10. A Review of Blockchain Technology for Sustainable Fashion.