Creating with Nature: Find inspiration, confidence and rediscover your creative self
A termék adatai:

Kötéstípus:Egyéb kötés
Terjedelem:54 oldal
Méret:133x98x48 mm
Illusztrációk: 54 farbig illustrierte Karten

Creating with Nature

Find inspiration, confidence and rediscover your creative self
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Hosszú leírás:

Creating with Nature is a thoughtfully designed deck of cards, crafted to ignite new ways of thinking and doing by reconnecting with the natural world.

Nature's role in enhancing creativity and wellbeing has been recognized for centuries, but is more crucial now than ever before. This deck is an invitation for artists, creators, and problem solvers to reconnect with the outdoors, nurture their creative selves, and view creative challenges in a fresh light. Whether you're tackling a specific project, seeking to break through a creative block, or guiding a brainstorming session, Creating with Nature offers invaluable inspiration.

It's not just for structured projects; these cards can also be integrated into daily life, serving as a tool to create moments of reflection, rejuvenation, and care for your creative spirit.