Art Alive! with Science: Get creative with art history and science facts and crafting fun!
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Art Alive! with Science

Get creative with art history and science facts and crafting fun!
Kiadó: Wayland
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Get to know more than 20 crucial art history innovators and experience how art meets science, from cave paintings to today's advanced tech - then discover their incredible techniques for yourself through 18 different art crafting activities!

In Art Alive! with Science, award-winning author Mary Auld explores moments from art history that have expanded our understanding of the way things work, such as the beautiful balance of forces in kinetic sculpture, the interplay of light and shadow in painting and puppetry and how Op Art tricks our brains and plays with our senses. Playful illustrations by Sue Downing appear alongside photos of each artist's work, perfect for drawing in readers age 8 and up. Following each case study, there is a creative project that applies the science learning to the reader's own art practice.

Artists and science topics include: Anatomy with Myron's Discobolus (Discus Thrower); Flight with Leonardo da Vinci; Light with Caravaggio's chiaroscuro & wayang kulit shadow puppetry; Colour with expressionism & pointillism; Sound with Paul Klee's Polyphony; Forces with Alexander Calder; Materials with Anish Kapoor; Chemistry with Cai Guo-Qiang's explosion events ... and many more!

  • 1: Introduction ? Artists and scientists
  • 1: The art of anatomy
    • 2: PROJECT: Body building
  • 1: The science of illustration
    • 2: PROJECT: Animals in the stars
  • 1: The fantasy of flight with Leonardo da Vinci
    • 2: PROJECT: A flying machine
  • 1: The drama of light
    • 2: PROJECT: Shadow play
  • 1: The art of nature
    • 2: PROJECT: Animal studies
  • 1: The image in perspective
    • 2: PROJECT: A room with a view
  • 1: The science of clouds
    • 2: PROJECT: Cloud creations
  • 1: The sense of colour
    • 2: PROJECT: Spotty and dotty
  • 1: The structure of flowers
    • 2: PROJECT: Petal by petal
  • 1: The energy of sound
    • 2: PROJECT: Visualising music
  • 1: The balance of forces
    • 2: PROJECT: A balancing act
  • 1: The art of astronomy
    • 2: PROJECT: Mars mission
  • 1: The art of light
    • 2: PROJECT: The making of a light drawing
  • 1: The art of illusion
    • 2: PROJECT: Tricking the eye
  • 1: The science of materials
    • 2: PROJECT: Textured shapes
  • 1: The structures of life
    • 2: PROJECT: Molecular inspiration
  • 1: The reactions of chemistry
    • 2: PROJECT: Explosion event
  • 1: The dimension of time
    • 2: PROJECT: A wormhole creation
  • 1: Glossary
  • 1: Timeline
  • 1: Index