Agroecosystems: Soils, Climate, Crops, Nutrient Dynamics and Productivity
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Terjedelem:552 oldal
Méret:229x152 mm
Súly:453 g
Illusztrációk: 133 Illustrations, black & white


Soils, Climate, Crops, Nutrient Dynamics and Productivity
Kiadás sorszáma: 1
Kiadó: Apple Academic Press
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GBP 82.99
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Rövid leírás:

Comprised of three sections, this covers the nutrient dynamics and productivity of global agroecosystems. It focuses on the major aspects that make up agroecosystems, such as soils, climate, crops, nutrient dynamics, and productivity. It introduces agroeocsystems and describes global soil types that support vast crop belts, then deals with the p

Hosszú leírás:

Comprised of three sections, this covers the nutrient dynamics and productivity of global agroecosystems. It focuses on the major aspects that make up agroecosystems, such as soils, climate, crops, nutrient dynamics, and productivity. It introduces agroeocsystems and describes global soil types that support vast crop belts, then deals with the principles that drive crop growth, nutrient dynamics and ecosystematic functions within any agroecosystem. It also details the influence of agronomic practices and factors such as soil microbes, organic matter, crop genetic nature, irrigation, weeds, and cropping systems that affect productivity of agroecosystems.


Agroecosystems of the World. Agroecosystems: An Introduction. Soils of Agroecosystems. Wheat Agroecosystem. Maize Agroecosystem. Wet Land Rice Agroecosystem. Sorghum Agroecosystem of Asia, Africa and Americas. Finger Millet Cropping Zones of Asia and Africa. Minor Cereals and Millets. Soybean Production Zones. Lentil Cropping Belts. Chickpea Cropping Zones. Cowpea Farming Zones of Africa and Asia. Pigeonpea Agroecosystem of Asia, Africa and Caribbean Islands. Black Gram and Green Gram Belts. Horse Gram Cropping Zones of Asia and Africa. Canola Cropping Zones. Groundnut Agroecosystem. Sunflower Agroecosystem. Minor Oilseeds. Cotton Cropping Zones. Sugarcane Producing Zones. Forages and Pastures. Plantations Crops of the World. Principles of Nutrient Dynamics. Atmosphere Influences Nutrient Dynamics in Agroecosystems. Nutrient Supply into Agroecosystem. Nutrient Transformations in Arable Cropping Systems. Nutrient Transformations in Flooded Wetland Belts. Nutrient Recovery by Crops. Nutrient Loss from Agroecosystems. Nutrient Cycling in Crop Fields. Factors Influencing Nutrient Dynamics in Agroecosystems. Soil Tillage and Mulches Affect Nutrient Dynamics. Soil Organic Matter and Nutrient Dynamics. Soil Microorganisms and Nutrient Dynamics in Agroecosystems. Weeds and Nutrients in Agroecosystems. Irrigation Systems Influence Nutrient Dynamics in Agroecosystems. Crops, Genotypes and Nutrient Dynamics within Agroecosystems. Cropping Systems and Nutrient Dynamics. Index.