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Kereső kifejezés: Témák: Hobbi, szabadidő >> Barkácsolás,

Találatok száma: 22 007

Hobbi, szabadidő

Silent Earth: THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER Goulson, Dave;


Vintage, 2022
Puhakötés 5 308 Ft

Not the End of the World: Surprising facts, dangerous myths and hopeful solutions for our future on planet Earth Ritchie, Hannah;

Not the End of the World: Surprising facts, dangerous myths and hopeful solutions for our future on planet Earth

Vintage, 2024
Puhakötés 5 308 Ft

The Virgin Homeowner ? The Essential Guide to Owning, Maintaining, and Surviving Your First Home: The Essential Guide to Owning, Maintaining, and Surviving Your First Home Papolos, Janice;

The Virgin Homeowner ? The Essential Guide to Owning, Maintaining, and Surviving Your First Home: The Essential Guide to Owning, Maintaining, and Surviving Your First Home

W. W. Norton & Company, 2024
Puhakötés 12 075 Ft

Island Homes: Casual Elegance in Design

Island Homes: Casual Elegance in Design

Oro Editions, 2024
Keménykötés 19 267 Ft

Joy of Keeping Chickens, Ducks, and Turkeys: A Practical Guide to Raising Backyard Poultry Megyesi, Jennifer;

Joy of Keeping Chickens, Ducks, and Turkeys: A Practical Guide to Raising Backyard Poultry

Skyhorse, 2024
Puhakötés 7 240 Ft

Bonsai - Gestalten mit heimischen Gehölzen: Ein Praxishandbuch für Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene Busch, Werner M.; Strecker, Achim R.;

Bonsai - Gestalten mit heimischen Gehölzen: Ein Praxishandbuch für Einsteiger und Fortgeschrittene

Quelle & Meyer, 2024
Keménykötés 20 611 Ft

Ökologisch bauen: Energieeffizient, schadstofffrei, nachhaltig Meyer, Ulf;

Ökologisch bauen: Energieeffizient, schadstofffrei, nachhaltig

Stiftung Warentest, 2024
Keménykötés 16 464 Ft

Sadler, Charles King, Sadler, Charles King(ed.)

Texas Home Landscaping, Including Oklahoma, 4th Edition: 48 Landscape Designs with 200+ Plants & Flowers for Your Region

Creative Homeowner, 2024
Puhakötés 9 629 Ft

Barns and Outbuildings: And How to Build Them Halsted, Byron D.; (ed.)

Barns and Outbuildings: And How to Build Them

Lyons Press, 2024
Puhakötés 7 240 Ft

Building Wood Fires ? Techniques and Skills for Stoking the Flames Both Indoors and Out: Techniques and Skills for Stoking the Flames Both Indoors and Out Mcgivney, Annette;

Building Wood Fires ? Techniques and Skills for Stoking the Flames Both Indoors and Out: Techniques and Skills for Stoking the Flames Both Indoors and Out

Countryman Press, 2024
Puhakötés 7 723 Ft

100 Ways You Can Help Save The Planet Earthtopia;

100 Ways You Can Help Save The Planet

Michael Joseph, 2024
Puhakötés 6 757 Ft

Kant, Eric

Eric Kant - World of Materials

Lannoo Publishers, 2024
Keménykötés 38 149 Ft

Hauserneuerung: Instandsetzen. Modernisieren. Energiesparen. Umbauen. Haefele, Gottfried; Sabel, Ludwig;

Hauserneuerung: Instandsetzen. Modernisieren. Energiesparen. Umbauen.

Ökobuch Verlag u. Versand, 2024
Keménykötés 12 338 Ft

Code Check 10th Edition: An Illustrated Guide to Building a Safe House Hansen, Douglas

Code Check 10th Edition: An Illustrated Guide to Building a Safe House

Taunton Press, 2024
Spirálkötés 11 556 Ft

The Editors of Creative Homeowner

Ultimate Guide: Wiring, Updated 10th Edition: Meets Current National Electrical Code Standards

Creative Homeowner, 2024
Puhakötés 9 629 Ft

Ultimate Guide: Plumbing, Updated 6th Edition: Meets 2024 National Plumbing Code Standards

Creative Homeowner, 2024
Puhakötés 9 629 Ft

Cordony, Steve

Moments at Home: Interior Inspiration for Every Room

Quadrille Publishing, 2024
Keménykötés 19 267 Ft

(K)ein Pfusch am Bau: Wie ein Bausachverständiger (s)ein Traumhaus richtig bauen würde (Ausgabe Österreich) Nussbaum, Günther;

(K)ein Pfusch am Bau: Wie ein Bausachverständiger (s)ein Traumhaus richtig bauen würde (Ausgabe Österreich)

Linde, Wien, 2024
Puhakötés 14 030 Ft

Beale, Banjo

A Place in Scotland: Beautiful Scottish Interiors

Quadrille Publishing, 2024
Keménykötés 17 340 Ft

A Kind Life: Eat Plants, Buy Less, Slow Down--And Save the Planet Wohlleben, Carina

A Kind Life: Eat Plants, Buy Less, Slow Down--And Save the Planet

Greystone Books, 2024
Puhakötés 6 917 Ft

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