The Running Centaur

Horse-Racing in Global-Historical Perspective
Edition number: 1
Publisher: Routledge
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Short description:

This book surveys the practice of horse racing from antiquity to the modern period, and in this way offers a selective global history.

Long description:

This book surveys the practice of horse racing from antiquity to the modern period, and in this way offers a selective global history.

Unlike previous histories of horse racing, which generally make claims about the exclusiveness of modern sport and therefore diminish the importance of premodern physical contests, the contributors to this book approach racing as a deep history of diachronically comparable practices, discourses, and perceptions centered around the competitive staging of equine speed. In order to compare horse racing cultures from completely different epochs and regions, the authors respond to a series of core issues which serve as structural comparative parameters. These key issues include the spatial and architectural framework of races; their organization; victory prizes; symbolic representations of victories and victors; and the social range and identities of the participants. The evidence of these competitions is interpreted in its distinct historical contexts and with regard to specific cultural conditions that shaped the respective relationship between owners, riders, and horses on the global racetracks of pre-modernity and modernity.

The chapters in this book were originally published as a special issue of The International Journal of the History of Sport.

Table of Contents:

1. Introduction: Towards a Global History of Horse Racing 2. Horse Races and Chariot Races in Ancient Greece: Struggling for Eternal Glory 3. Horse Racing in Imperial Rome: Athletic Competition, Equine Performance, and Urban Spectacle 4. The Emperor and His People at the Chariot Races in Byzantium 5. Horse Racing at the Ottoman Court, 1524?1728 6. Urban Palio and Scharlach Races in Fifteenth- and Early Sixteenth-Century Italy and Germany 7. Spectacular Spanish Horses in New Spain 8. The Sport of Kingmakers: Horse Racing in Late Stuart England 9. Capitalist Horse Sense: Sports Betting and Option Trading during the English Financial Revolution, 1690?1740 10. ?A Horse-Race is the Same All the World Over?: The Cultural Context of Horse Racing in Native North America