The Psychology of Running
Product details:

No. of pages:172 pages
Size:198x129 mm
Weight:320 g
Illustrations: 3 Illustrations, black & white; 3 Line drawings, black & white; 3 Tables, black & white

The Psychology of Running

Edition number: 1
Publisher: Routledge
Date of Publication:
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Short description:

The Psychology of Running provides a unique insight into why running is such a popular form of exercise and competition.

Long description:

Why do people run? How can I improve my running performance? Will running help me feel better?

The Psychology of Running provides a unique insight into why running is such a popular form of exercise and competition. From evolutionary perspectives on why humans have needed to run and how our bodies have adapted for this function, to discussing evidence-based interventions that can improve running performance, the book delves into the psychological motivations and benefits of running. The book also considers ways in which running can be used for social change and life skill development, highlighting how such a simple activity can have benefits for our physical and mental health.

Providing proven psychological strategies and techniques to help improve running performance and boost our individual self-belief, The Psychology of Running shows us how we can enjoy running, no matter our age or ability.

Table of Contents:
1. Why do we run?  2. Why do we slow down or stop?  3. What will help me run faster?  4. What should I focus my attention on?  5. Can running help me feel better?  6. Are running-based programmes beneficial for children and adults?