Product details:

No. of pages:290 pages
Size:229x152 mm

Intelligence Systems for Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences

Methods, Models and Applications
Publisher: Elsevier
Date of Publication:
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Long description:

Intelligence Systems for Earth, Environmental and Planetary Sciences: Methods, Models and Applications provides cutting-edge theory and applications of modern-day artificial intelligence and data science in the Earth, environment, and planetary science fields. The book is divided into three parts: Methods, covering the fundamentals of intelligence systems, along with an introduction to the preparation of datasets. Models, covering model development, data assimilation, and techniques in each field. Applications, presenting case studies of artificial intelligence and data science solutions to Earth, environmental and planetary sciences problems, as well as future perspectives. This book will be of interest to students, academics and post-graduate professionals in the field of applied sciences, earth, environmental, and planetary sciences, and would also serve as an excellent companion resource to courses studying artificial intelligence applications for theoretical and practical studies in Earth, environmental, and planetary sciences.

  • Facilitates the application of artificial intelligence and data science systems to create comprehensive methodologies for analyzing, processing, predicting and management strategies in the fields of Earth, environment, and planetary science
  • Developed with an interdisciplinary framework, with an aim to promote artificial intelligence models for real-time Earth systems
  • Includes a section on case studies of artificial intelligence and data science solutions to Earth, environmental, and planetary sciences problems, as well as future perspectives
Table of Contents:

1. Smart techniques for Earth, environmental and planetary sciences 2. Data preparation processes 3. Meta-heuristic algorithms for Earth, environmental and planetary sciences 4. Standard to Advanced version of meta-heuristic algorithms 5. The application of machine learning and evolutionary computational techniques 6. Case studies of applications of evolutionary computational techniques 7. Future applications