Environmental Education in the 21st Century

Theory, Practice, Progress and Promise
Edition number: 1
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Short description:

There is an urgency and importance in learning to live in sustainable ways, but environmental education does not hold the priority position in formal schooling that it should. This text sets out to discover why this is so.

Long description:
Environmental education is a field characterised by a paradox. Few would doubt the urgency and importance of learning to live in sustainable ways, but environmental education holds nowhere near the priority position in formal schooling around the world that this would suggest. This text sets out to find out why this is so. It is divided into six parts:
Part 1 is a concise history of the development of environmental education from an international perspective;
Part 2 is an overview of the 'global agenda', or subject knowledge of environmental education;
Part 3 introduces perspectives on theory and research in environmental education;
Part 4 moves on to practice, and presents an integrated model for planning environmental education programmes;
Part 5 brings together invited contributors who talk about environmental education in their own countries - from 15 countries including China, South Africa, Sri Lanka and the USA;
Part 6 returns to the core questions of how progress can be made, and how we can maximise the potential of environmental education for the twenty first century.

'...an excellent read.' - Environmental Education

'Teachers who take their role as guardians of the future seriously should make an effort to read this book.' - School Science Review

'A readable and engaging book which provides a wide-ranging overview of thinking, writing and good practice. It presents a most powerful argument for environmental education to be placed at the core of the curriculum.' - Cambridge Journal of Education
Table of Contents:
Section 1: History and Development of Environmental Education; Section 2: The Global Agenda; Section 3: Perspectives on Theory and Research in Environmental Education; Section 4: Environmental Education: Structure and Practice; Section 5: The Global Scene; Section 6: Towards Progress and Promise in the 21st Century