Boxing and Performance

Memetic Hauntings
Edition number: 1
Publisher: Routledge
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Short description:

Boxing and Performance is the first substantial piece of work to place the lived experience of female and male boxers in dialogue with one another.

Long description:

Boxing and Performance is the first substantial piece of work to place the lived experience of female and male boxers in dialogue with one another.

Crews and Lennox critically reflect on their ethnographic experiences of boxing and their reading of the cultural representations of the sport. They conceive of the project as an extended sparring session. This book offers a unique perspective on boxing in/as performance and boxing in/as culture. It explores how the connections between boxing and performance address ideas about bodies, relationships, intimacy, and combat. It challenges and renegotiates oft-repeated narratives used to make meaning about boxing.

This volume examines questions of visibility, voice, and agency and will appeal to scholars and students in the fields of performance and media, and sport and social studies.

Table of Contents:

Introduction  1. Narrative remains  2. Bodily traces  3. (Re)performing greatness  Conclusion