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Search Term: Topics: Religion >> Judaism,

Number of matches: 18 574


Black Humor and the White Terror Bodó, Béla;

Black Humor and the White Terror

Routledge, 2023
Hardback 60 375 HUF

Shylock's Venice: The Remarkable History of Venice's Jews and the Ghetto Freedman, Harry;

Shylock's Venice: The Remarkable History of Venice's Jews and the Ghetto

Bloomsbury Continuum, 2024
Hardback 9 660 HUF

The Radicalization of European Jews in the US Metropolis: Transatlantic Jewish Anarchism in New York City at the Turn of the 20th Century Jacob, Frank;

The Radicalization of European Jews in the US Metropolis: Transatlantic Jewish Anarchism in New York City at the Turn of the 20th Century

De Gruyter Oldenbourg, 2024
Hardback 41 244 HUF

The Rhetoric of Jewish Liturgy ? A Historical and Literary Commentary on the Daily Prayer Book: A Historical and Literary Commentary on the Daily Prayer Book Kimelman, Reuven;

The Rhetoric of Jewish Liturgy ? A Historical and Literary Commentary on the Daily Prayer Book: A Historical and Literary Commentary on the Daily Prayer Book

LUP ? Littman Library, 2024
Hardback 57 960 HUF

Black Humor and the White Terror Bodó, Béla;

Black Humor and the White Terror

Routledge, 2024
Paperback 19 315 HUF

Jüdische Kinderbibeln in der Zeit der Haskala Salzer, Dorothea M.;

Jüdische Kinderbibeln in der Zeit der Haskala

De Gruyter, 2024
Hardback 51 147 HUF

The Light of Learning: Hasidism in Poland on the Eve of the Holocaust Dynner, Glenn;

The Light of Learning: Hasidism in Poland on the Eve of the Holocaust

OUP USA, 2024
Hardback 12 553 HUF

Braese, Stephan; Waldschmidt, Christine; (ed.)

Handbuch Deutschsprachig-jüdische Literatur seit der Aufklärung Bd. 3: Sprachkulturen

J.B. Metzler, 2024
Hardback 53 640 HUF

Judaism Before Jesus ? The Events & Ideas That Shaped the New Testament World: The Ideas and Events That Shaped the New Testament World Tomasino, Anthony J.;

Judaism Before Jesus ? The Events & Ideas That Shaped the New Testament World: The Ideas and Events That Shaped the New Testament World

SPCK ? IVP US, 2024
Paperback 16 417 HUF

Judaism for Everyone: Renewing Your Life Through the Vibrant Lessons of the Jewish Faith Boteach, Shmuley;

Judaism for Everyone: Renewing Your Life Through the Vibrant Lessons of the Jewish Faith

Skyhorse, 2024
Hardback 9 172 HUF

Allen, Adina

The Place of All Possibility: Cultivating Creativity Through Ancient Jewish Wisdom

Ayin Press, 2024
Paperback 7 687 HUF

Hartman, Harriet; (ed.)

The Jewish Family in Global Perspective

Springer, 2024
Hardback 61 810 HUF

Frankl, Viktor E.

Embracing Hope: On Freedom, Responsibility & the Meaning of Life

Beacon Press, 2024
Hardback 8 458 HUF

Graizbord, David; (ed.)

Early Modern Jewish Civilization: Unity and Diversity in a Diasporic Society. An Introduction

Routledge, 2024
Paperback 17 383 HUF

Graizbord, David; (ed.)

Early Modern Jewish Civilization: Unity and Diversity in a Diasporic Society. An Introduction

Routledge, 2024
Hardback 65 205 HUF

Judaism in North America: An Introduction Porton, Gary G.; (ed.)

Judaism in North America: An Introduction

Bloomsbury Academic, 2024
Paperback 9 172 HUF

Judaism in North America: An Introduction Porton, Gary G.; (ed.)

Judaism in North America: An Introduction

Bloomsbury Academic, 2024
Hardback 28 980 HUF

Katholisch-schiitische Positionierungen im safawidischen Iran: Die persische Ris?la von Pietro Della Valle Il Pellegrino (1621) Wenzel, Catherina;

Katholisch-schiitische Positionierungen im safawidischen Iran: Die persische Ris?la von Pietro Della Valle Il Pellegrino (1621)

De Gruyter, 2024
Hardback 41 244 HUF

Brafman, Yonatan Y.;

Critique of Halakhic Reason: Divine Commandments and Social Normativity

OUP USA, 2024
Hardback 37 674 HUF

Graff, Gil;

Living Torah: Gateway to a Timeless Tradition

Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2024
Hardback 12 075 HUF

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