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Search Term: Topics: Religion >> Christianity,

Number of matches: 133 516


The Oxford Handbook of Reformed Theology Allen, Michael; Swain, Scott R.; (ed.)

The Oxford Handbook of Reformed Theology

OUP Oxford, 2020
Hardback 57 960 HUF

The Cambridge History of Medieval Canon Law Winroth, Anders; Wei, John C.; (ed.)

The Cambridge History of Medieval Canon Law

Cambridge University Press, 2022
Hardback 67 620 HUF

The Oxford Handbook of Ecclesiology Avis, Paul; (ed.)

The Oxford Handbook of Ecclesiology

OUP Oxford, 2022
Paperback 21 005 HUF

International Handbook of Practical Theology: A Global Approach Weyel, Birgit; Gräb, Wilhelm; Lartey, Emmanuel; Wepener, Cas; (ed.)

International Handbook of Practical Theology: A Global Approach

De Gruyter, 2022
Hardback 37 117 HUF

The Oxford Handbook of the Epistemology of Theology Abraham, William J.; Aquino, Frederick D.; (ed.)

The Oxford Handbook of the Epistemology of Theology

OUP Oxford, 2021
Paperback 21 005 HUF

Reformation England 1480-1642 Marshall, Peter;

Reformation England 1480-1642

Bloomsbury Academic, 2022
Paperback 12 553 HUF

Elephantine in Context: Studies on the History, Religion and Literature of the Judeans in Persian Period Egypt Kratz, Reinhard Gregor; Schipper, Bernd U.; (ed.)

Elephantine in Context: Studies on the History, Religion and Literature of the Judeans in Persian Period Egypt

Mohr Siebeck, 2022
Hardback 59 421 HUF

The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Daily Life in Roman Palestine Hezser, Catherine; (ed.)

The Oxford Handbook of Jewish Daily Life in Roman Palestine

OUP Oxford, 2020
Paperback 18 349 HUF

Capitalism and Christianity: Origins, Spirit and Betrayal of the Market Economy Bruni, Luigino;

Capitalism and Christianity: Origins, Spirit and Betrayal of the Market Economy

Routledge, 2023
Hardback 65 205 HUF

Great Christian Jurists in the Low Countries Decock, Wim; Oosterhuis, Janwillem; (ed.)

Great Christian Jurists in the Low Countries

Cambridge University Press, 2021
Hardback 48 295 HUF

Christendom: The Triumph of a Religion Heather, Peter;

Christendom: The Triumph of a Religion

Penguin, 2023
Paperback 9 172 HUF

Christian-Muslim Relations: Primary Sources 600 - 1914 Thomas, David; (ed.)

Christian-Muslim Relations: Primary Sources 600 - 1914

Bloomsbury Academic, 2023
Unidentified 217 350 HUF

Christian Apologetics ? An Introduction: An Introduction McGrath, AE;

Christian Apologetics ? An Introduction: An Introduction

Wiley?Blackwell, 2023
Paperback 11 587 HUF

Die Homilien zum Buch Levitikus Siquans, Agnethe; (ed.)

Die Homilien zum Buch Levitikus

De Gruyter, 2021
Hardback 51 560 HUF

Protestant Legacies in Nordic Law: The Early Modern Period Rasmussen, Tarald; Sunde, J?rn ?yrehagen; Bühmann, Henning;, Rasmussen, Tarald; Sunde, J?rn ?yrehagen; (ed.)

Protestant Legacies in Nordic Law: The Early Modern Period

Brill Schöningh, 2023
Hardback 48 692 HUF

Evangelicalism: A Very Short Introduction: A Very Short Introduction Stackhouse Jr., John G.;

Evangelicalism: A Very Short Introduction: A Very Short Introduction

OUP USA, 2023
Paperback 4 342 HUF

T&T Clark Handbook of Christian Prayer Cocksworth, Ashley; McDowell, John C.; (ed.)

T&T Clark Handbook of Christian Prayer

T&T Clark, 2023
Paperback 14 002 HUF

Barth and Bonhoeffer as Contributors to a Post-Liberal Ecclesiology: Essays of Hope for a Fallen and Complex World Greggs, Tom; , Heimburger, Robert W.; (ed.)

Barth and Bonhoeffer as Contributors to a Post-Liberal Ecclesiology: Essays of Hope for a Fallen and Complex World

T&T Clark, 2023
Paperback 14 002 HUF

Anthropologie des Alten Testaments Gies, Kathrin;

Anthropologie des Alten Testaments

UTB, 2023
Paperback 8 253 HUF

Owen, John; Ballitch, Andrew S.; Gatiss, Lee; Wright, Shawn D.;

The Holy Spirit ? The Comforter (Volume 8)

SPCK ? Crossway, 2023
Hardback 14 485 HUF

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