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Search Term: Topics: Environmental science and protection >> Environmental sciences in general,

Number of matches: 32 030

Environmental science and protection

Beneficial Insects Alford, David V.;

Beneficial Insects

CRC Press, 2022
Paperback 22 213 HUF

3D Printing for Product Designers: Innovative Strategies Using Additive Manufacturing Loy, Jennifer; Novak, James; Diegel, Olaf;

3D Printing for Product Designers: Innovative Strategies Using Additive Manufacturing

Routledge, 2023
Paperback 16 417 HUF

Ecosystem Collapse and Recovery Newton, Adrian C.;

Ecosystem Collapse and Recovery

Cambridge University Press, 2021
Paperback 18 832 HUF

How to Publish in Biological Sciences: A Guide for the Uninitiated Measey, John;

How to Publish in Biological Sciences: A Guide for the Uninitiated

CRC Press, 2022
Paperback 11 104 HUF

Plant Physiological Ecology Lambers, Hans; Oliveira, Rafael S.;

Plant Physiological Ecology

Springer, 2021
Paperback 30 903 HUF

Effective Ecology: Seeking Success in a Hard Science Cousens, Roger D.;

Effective Ecology: Seeking Success in a Hard Science

CRC Press, 2023
Paperback 27 526 HUF

Religion, Materialism and Ecology Bergmann, Sigurd; Rigby, Kate; Scott, Peter Manley; (ed.)

Religion, Materialism and Ecology

Routledge, 2023
Paperback 17 383 HUF

Wildlife Management and Conservation ? Contemporary Principles and Practices, Second Edition: Contemporary Principles and Practices Krausman, Paul R.; Cain Iii, James W.;

Wildlife Management and Conservation ? Contemporary Principles and Practices, Second Edition: Contemporary Principles and Practices

Johns Hopkins University Press, 2022
Hardback 40 089 HUF

Silent Earth: THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER Goulson, Dave;


Vintage, 2022
Paperback 5 308 HUF

The Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update Meadows, Donella;Meadows, Dennis

The Limits to Growth: The 30-Year Update

Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 2004
Paperback 8 670 HUF

Climate Change Impact and Adaptation in Agricultural Systems Fuhrer, Jurg; Gregory, P; (ed.)

Climate Change Impact and Adaptation in Agricultural Systems

CAB International, 2019
Paperback 23 884 HUF

Environmental Chemistry: Eleventh Edition Manahan, Stanley E;

Environmental Chemistry: Eleventh Edition

CRC Press, 2022
Hardback 41 050 HUF

Soils of the World Zech, Wolfgang; Schad, Peter; Hintermaier-Erhard, Gerd;

Soils of the World

Springer, 2022
Hardback 66 226 HUF

Essential EU Climate Law Woerdman, Edwin; Roggenkamp, Martha; Holwerda, Marijn; (ed.)

Essential EU Climate Law

Edward Elgar Publishing, 2021
Hardback 60 858 HUF

Reynolds, Matthew; (ed.)

Climate Change and Crop Production

CAB International, 2017
Paperback 23 884 HUF

Routledge Handbook of Animal Welfare Knight, Andrew; Phillips, Clive; Sparks, Paula; (ed.)

Routledge Handbook of Animal Welfare

Routledge, 2024
Paperback 21 247 HUF

The Ant Collective: Inside the World of an Ant Colony Schieb, Armin;

The Ant Collective: Inside the World of an Ant Colony

Princeton University Press, 2024
Hardback 9 660 HUF

The Life of Birds Attenborough, David

The Life of Birds

William Collins, 2024
Hardback 15 414 HUF

A Governess's Guide to Passion and Peril Collins, Manda

A Governess's Guide to Passion and Peril

Forever, 2024
Paperback 6 547 HUF

Singh, Vir;

Textbook of Environment and Ecology

Springer, 2024
Hardback 48 564 HUF

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