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Search Term: Topics: Medicine >> Surgery,

Number of matches: 14 550


Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesia Freedman, Rachel; Herbert, Lara; O'Donnell, Aidan;(ed.)

Oxford Handbook of Anaesthesia

OUP Oxford, 2022
Book 18 832 HUF

Emergency Medicine: Diagnosis and Management Brown, Anthony FT; Cadogan, Michael D;

Emergency Medicine: Diagnosis and Management

CRC Press, 2020
Paperback 19 315 HUF

Basic Surgical Skills: An Illustrated Guide Downes, Graeme;

Basic Surgical Skills: An Illustrated Guide

CRC Press, 2023
Paperback 13 036 HUF

Peterson, Lars; Renstrom, Per A.F.H.; Lynch, Scott;

Sports Injuries: Prevention, Treatment and Rehabilitation

Routledge, 2024
Hardback 65 205 HUF

The Vital Probe ? My Life as a Brain Surgeon: My Life as a Brain Surgeon Cooper, Irving Spencer;

The Vital Probe ? My Life as a Brain Surgeon: My Life as a Brain Surgeon

W. W. Norton & Company, 2024
Paperback 10 143 HUF

Han, Duck Jong; Stock, Peter G; (ed.)

Pancreas Transplantation: Contemporary Issues in Pancreas Transplantation

Springer, 2024
Hardback 61 810 HUF

Smile Or I`ll Kick Your Bed: A Cardiac Surgeon's Prescription for Coping with Open-Heart Surgery Goen, Tex;

Smile Or I`ll Kick Your Bed: A Cardiac Surgeon's Prescription for Coping with Open-Heart Surgery

W. W. Norton & Company, 2024
Paperback 7 969 HUF

Many Sleepless Nights ? The World of Organ Transplantation: The World of Organ Transplantation Gutkind, Lee;

Many Sleepless Nights ? The World of Organ Transplantation: The World of Organ Transplantation

W. W. Norton & Company, 2024
Paperback 10 143 HUF

Amputation, Prosthesis Use, and Phantom Limb Pain: An Interdisciplinary Perspective Murray, Craig; (ed.)

Amputation, Prosthesis Use, and Phantom Limb Pain: An Interdisciplinary Perspective

Springer, 2024
Paperback 25 163 HUF

Operationsatlas Laparoskopische Chirurgie: Indikationen - Operationsablauf - Varianten - Komplikationen Carus, Thomas;

Operationsatlas Laparoskopische Chirurgie: Indikationen - Operationsablauf - Varianten - Komplikationen

Springer, 2024
Hardback 66 019 HUF

Perioperative Medizin für die Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie Wagner, Johanna; Germer, Christoph-Thomas; Wiegering, Armin; (ed.)

Perioperative Medizin für die Allgemein- und Viszeralchirurgie

Springer, 2024
Paperback 4 135 578 HUF

Kreis, Martin E.; Beyer, Katharina; (ed.)

Chirurgie des unteren Gastrointestinaltrakts und Allgemeine Chirurgie

Springer, 2024
Hardback 66 019 HUF

Handbook of Transradial Interventions Chugh, Sanjay Kumar; (ed.)

Handbook of Transradial Interventions

OUP India, 2024
Paperback 57 960 HUF

Rosen, Clark A.;

Bailey's Head & Neck Surgery Otolaryngology Review

LWW, 2024
Paperback 39 606 HUF

The Tmj Handbook: A Therapeutic Guide to Relieving Jaw Tension and Pain with Yoga and Mindfulness Shachoy, Cator

The Tmj Handbook: A Therapeutic Guide to Relieving Jaw Tension and Pain with Yoga and Mindfulness

Shambhala, 2024
Paperback 9 614 HUF

Evidence?Based Nephrology, 2nd Edition Volume 1 Molony, D;

Evidence?Based Nephrology, 2nd Edition Volume 1

Wiley?Blackwell, 2024
Hardback 53 130 HUF

Evidence?Based Nephrology, 2nd Edition Volume 2 Molony, D;

Evidence?Based Nephrology, 2nd Edition Volume 2

Wiley?Blackwell, 2024
Hardback 53 130 HUF

Manual of Pediatric Cardiac Care: Volume I Bin-Moallim, Mohammed Abdullah; Husain, Wael Jasim Mohamed; Alakeel, Yousif Saleh; Kabbani, Mohamed Salim; Alghamdi, Abdullah Ali; (ed.)

Manual of Pediatric Cardiac Care: Volume I

Springer, 2024
Hardback 70 641 HUF

Transplantation and Mechanical Support for End?Sta ge Heart and Lung Disease, Volume 2 Barac, YD;

Transplantation and Mechanical Support for End?Sta ge Heart and Lung Disease, Volume 2

Wiley?Blackwell, 2024
Hardback 144 900 HUF

Sgroi, Michael D.; Escobar, Guillermo A.; (ed.)

The VSITE Review Manual

Elsevier, 2024
Paperback 33 007 HUF

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