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Search Term: Topics: Medicine >> Infectious diseases, microbiology,

Number of matches: 10 061


Netter's Infectious Diseases Jong, Elaine C.; Stevens, Dennis L.; (ed.)

Netter's Infectious Diseases

Elsevier, 2021
Hardback 34 658 HUF

Strelkauskas' Microbiology: A Clinical Approach Fahnert, Beatrix; Lostroh, Phoebe;

Strelkauskas' Microbiology: A Clinical Approach

Garland Science, 2023
Paperback 26 560 HUF

Doom: The Politics of Catastrophe Ferguson, Niall;

Doom: The Politics of Catastrophe

Penguin, 2022
Paperback 6 274 HUF

Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases: 2-Volume Set Bennett, John E.; Dolin, Raphael; Blaser, Martin J.;

Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases: 2-Volume Set

Elsevier, 2019
Hardback 172 896 HUF

Case Studies in Infectious Disease Lydyard, Peter; Cole, Michael; Holton, John;

Case Studies in Infectious Disease

CRC Press, 2023
Paperback 24 145 HUF

Viruses: The Invisible Enemy Crawford, Dorothy H.;

Viruses: The Invisible Enemy

OUP Oxford, 2021
Paperback 5 791 HUF

Medical Microbiology Murray, Patrick R.; Rosenthal, Ken; Pfaller, Michael A.;

Medical Microbiology

Elsevier, 2020
Paperback 33 420 HUF

Understanding Coronavirus Rabadan, Raul;

Understanding Coronavirus

Cambridge University Press, 2021
Paperback 5 791 HUF

Fields Virology: Fundamentals Howley, Peter M.; Knipe, David M.; Enquist, Lynn W.;

Fields Virology: Fundamentals

LWW, 2023
Hardback 59 500 HUF

Analysis of Panel Data Hsiao, Cheng;

Analysis of Panel Data

Cambridge University Press, 2022
Paperback 18 832 HUF

The Natural History of Viruses: The World Naturalist Andrewes, C.h.;

The Natural History of Viruses: The World Naturalist

W. W. Norton & Company, 2024
Paperback 8 935 HUF

The Irritable Heart ? The Medical Mystery of the Gulf War: The Medical Mystery of the Gulf War Wheelwright, Jeff;

The Irritable Heart ? The Medical Mystery of the Gulf War: The Medical Mystery of the Gulf War

W. W. Norton & Company, 2024
Paperback 11 350 HUF

Gasthuys, Elke; Gasthuys, Elke; Allegaert, Karel;(ed.)

Essentials of Translational Pediatric Drug Development: From Past Needs to Future Opportunities

Academic Press, 2024
Paperback 63 960 HUF

Natural Antioxidants to Enhance the Shelf-Life of Food Pateiro, Mirian; (ed.)

Natural Antioxidants to Enhance the Shelf-Life of Food

Academic Press, 2024
Paperback 58 596 HUF

Nanostructured Drug Delivery Systems in Infectious Disease Treatment Beg, Sarwar; Beg, Sarwar; Shukla, Rahul;(ed.)

Nanostructured Drug Delivery Systems in Infectious Disease Treatment

Academic Press, 2024
Paperback 63 960 HUF

Duncan, Dustin T.; Kawachi, Ichiro; Morse, Stephen S.; (ed.)

The Social Epidemiology of the COVID-19 Pandemic

OUP USA, 2024
Paperback 20 281 HUF

Rajendram, Rajkumar; Rajendram, Rajkumar; Preedy, Victor R;(ed.)

Features, Transmission, Detection, and Case Studies in COVID-19

Academic Press, 2024
Hardback 90 783 HUF

Rajendram, Rajkumar; Rajendram, Rajkumar; Preedy, Victor R;(ed.)

Management, Body Systems, and Case Studies in COVID-19

Academic Press, 2024
Hardback 90 783 HUF

Rajendram, Rajkumar; Rajendram, Rajkumar; Preedy, Victor R;(ed.)

International and Life Course Aspects of COVID-19

Academic Press, 2024
Hardback 90 783 HUF

Rajendram, Rajkumar; Rajendram, Rajkumar; Preedy, Victor R;(ed.)

Linking Neuroscience and Behavior in COVID-19

Academic Press, 2024
Hardback 90 783 HUF

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