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Search Term: Topics: Philosophy >> Further readings in philosophy,

Number of matches: 26 972


Numbers Don't Lie: 71 Things You Need to Know About the World Smil, Vaclav;

Numbers Don't Lie: 71 Things You Need to Know About the World

Penguin, 2021
Paperback 5 308 HUF

The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect Pearl, Judea; Mackenzie, Dana;

The Book of Why: The New Science of Cause and Effect

Penguin, 2019
Paperback 5 308 HUF

How the World Really Works: A Scientist?s Guide to Our Past, Present and Future Smil, Vaclav;

How the World Really Works: A Scientist?s Guide to Our Past, Present and Future

Penguin, 2022
Paperback 5 308 HUF

Christian Atheism: How to Be a Real Materialist Zizek, Slavoj;

Christian Atheism: How to Be a Real Materialist

Bloomsbury Academic, 2024
Paperback 7 240 HUF

I've Been Thinking: Adventures in Philosophy Dennett, Daniel C.;

I've Been Thinking: Adventures in Philosophy

Allen Lane, 2023
Hardback 14 490 HUF

A Secular Age Taylor, Charles;

A Secular Age

Harvard University Press, 2018
Paperback 10 601 HUF

Religion, Materialism and Ecology Bergmann, Sigurd; Rigby, Kate; Scott, Peter Manley; (ed.)

Religion, Materialism and Ecology

Routledge, 2023
Paperback 17 383 HUF

Identity: A Very Short Introduction Coulmas, Florian;

Identity: A Very Short Introduction

OUP Oxford, 2019
Paperback 4 342 HUF

Princes of the Renaissance Hollingsworth, Mary;

Princes of the Renaissance

Apollo, 2023
Paperback 7 240 HUF

The Routledge Handbook of Social Epistemology Fricker, Miranda; Graham, Peter J.; Henderson, David;(ed.)

The Routledge Handbook of Social Epistemology

Routledge, 2021
Paperback 21 247 HUF

Schechtman, Marya;

The Self: A Very Short Introduction

OUP Oxford, 2024
Paperback 4 342 HUF

Advances in Neurophilosophy Heinzelmann, Nora; (ed.)

Advances in Neurophilosophy

Bloomsbury Academic, 2024
Hardback 41 055 HUF

Posthuman Property and Law: Commodification and Control through Information, Smart Spaces and Artificial Intelligence Käll, Jannice;

Posthuman Property and Law: Commodification and Control through Information, Smart Spaces and Artificial Intelligence

Routledge, 2024
Paperback 19 315 HUF

Religion in Modern Societies Skirbekk, Gunnar;

Religion in Modern Societies

Routledge, 2023
Paperback 17 866 HUF

A Life in Cognition: Studies in Cognitive Science in Honor of Csaba Pléh Gervain, Judit; Csibra, Gergely; Kovács, Kristóf; (ed.)

A Life in Cognition: Studies in Cognitive Science in Honor of Csaba Pléh

Springer, 2021
Hardback 61 810 HUF

History and Philosophy of Sport and Physical Activity Kretchmar, R. Scott; Dyreson, Mark; Llewellyn, Matt;

History and Philosophy of Sport and Physical Activity

Human Kinetics, 2023
Paperback 51 198 HUF

Global Justice and Recognition Theory: Dignifying the World?s Poor Mookherjee, Monica;

Global Justice and Recognition Theory: Dignifying the World?s Poor

Routledge, 2023
Hardback 65 205 HUF

Hirst, Daniel;

Speech Prosody: From Acoustics to Interpretation

Springer, 2024
Hardback 39 734 HUF

Conditions of Love ? The Philosophy of Intimacy: The Philosophy of Intimacy Armstrong, John;

Conditions of Love ? The Philosophy of Intimacy: The Philosophy of Intimacy

W. W. Norton & Company, 2024
Paperback 7 728 HUF

Plato on God as Nous Menn, Stephen;

Plato on God as Nous

University of Chicago Press, 2024
Paperback 10 626 HUF

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