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Search Term: Topics: Programming >> Software development,

Number of matches: 17 247


AI for Finance Tsang, Edward P. K.;

AI for Finance

CRC Press, 2023
Paperback 11 104 HUF

The Lean Startup: The Million Copy Bestseller Driving Entrepreneurs to Success Ries, Eric;

The Lean Startup: The Million Copy Bestseller Driving Entrepreneurs to Success

Portfolio Penguin, 2011
Paperback 7 240 HUF

Forgács, István; Kovács, Attila;

Modern Software Testing Techniques: A Practical Guide for Developers and Testers

Apress, 2023
Paperback 19 864 HUF

How to Avoid a Climate Disaster: The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need Gates, Bill;

How to Avoid a Climate Disaster: The Solutions We Have and the Breakthroughs We Need

Allen Lane, 2021
Hardback 16 712 HUF

Aphalo, Pedro J.;

Learn R: As a Language

Chapman and Hall, 2024
Paperback 29 941 HUF

Endress, Tobias; (ed.)

Digital Project Practice for Banking and FinTech

Auerbach Publications, 2024
Paperback 21 730 HUF

Deneschau, Nicolas

The Mysteries of Monkey Island: All Aboard to Take on the Pirates!

Third Editions, 2024
Hardback 15 394 HUF

Khullar, Vikas; Sharma, Vrajesh; Angurala, Mohit; Chhabra, Nipun; (ed.)

Artificial Intelligence and Society 5.0: Issues, Opportunities, and Challenges

Chapman and Hall, 2024
Hardback 60 375 HUF

Alon, Uri;

Systems Medicine: Physiological Circuits and the Dynamics of Disease

Chapman and Hall, 2023
Paperback 26 560 HUF

The Power of Geometric Algebra Computing: For Engineering and Quantum Computing Hildenbrand, Dietmar;

The Power of Geometric Algebra Computing: For Engineering and Quantum Computing

Chapman and Hall, 2023
Paperback 21 730 HUF

Java Programming Exercises: Volume One: Language Fundamentals and Core Concepts Ullenboom, Christian;

Java Programming Exercises: Volume One: Language Fundamentals and Core Concepts

Chapman and Hall, 2024
Paperback 24 145 HUF

Java Programming Exercises: Volume One: Language Fundamentals and Core Concepts Ullenboom, Christian;

Java Programming Exercises: Volume One: Language Fundamentals and Core Concepts

Chapman and Hall, 2024
Hardback 62 790 HUF

The WoW Diary: A Journal of Computer Game Development: [Second Edition] Staats, John;

The WoW Diary: A Journal of Computer Game Development: [Second Edition]

Source Point Press, 2024
Hardback 27 526 HUF

Deneschau, Nicolas

Decoding the Last of Us: The Remnants of Humanity

Third Editions, 2024
Hardback 13 467 HUF

Deneschau, Nicolas

Uncharted: Chronicles of an Explorer

Third Editions, 2024
Hardback 13 467 HUF

Tan, Tiow Wee;

Game Development with Unreal Engine 5 Volume 1: Design Phase

Apress, 2024
Paperback 26 488 HUF

Su, Rong;

Cybersecurity of Discrete Event Systems: From Smart Attacks to Resilient Defence

CRC Press, 2024
Hardback 41 050 HUF

Verma, Anshul; Verma, Pradeepika; (ed.)

Research Advances in Intelligent Computing: Volume 2

CRC Press, 2024
Hardback 53 130 HUF

Stephanidis, Constantine; Salvendy, Gavriel; (ed.)

Interaction Techniques and Technologies in Human-Computer Interaction

CRC Press, 2024
Hardback 65 205 HUF

Stephanidis, Constantine; Salvendy, Gavriel; (ed.)

Human-Computer Interaction in Intelligent Environments

CRC Press, 2024
Hardback 65 205 HUF

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