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Computer software

Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and STAN McElreath, Richard;

Statistical Rethinking: A Bayesian Course with Examples in R and STAN

Chapman and Hall, 2020
Hardback 37 186 HUF

Aphalo, Pedro J.;

Learn R: As a Language

Chapman and Hall, 2024
Paperback 29 941 HUF

Behavior Analysis with Machine Learning Using R Ceja, Enrique Garcia;

Behavior Analysis with Machine Learning Using R

Chapman and Hall, 2024
Paperback 22 213 HUF

Pitblado, Jeffrey; Poi, Brian; Gould, William;

Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Stata, Fifth Edition

Stata Press, 2023
Paperback 28 975 HUF

Lederer, Johannes;

A First Course in Statistical Learning: With Data Examples and Python Code

Springer, 2024
Hardback 39 734 HUF

Nisbet, Robert; Nisbet, Robert; Miner, Gary D.; Nisbet, Robert; Miner, Gary D.; McCormick, Keith;

Handbook of Statistical Analysis: AI and ML Applications

Academic Press, 2024
Paperback 41 244 HUF

Getting (more out of) Graphics: Practice and Principles of Data Visualisation Unwin, Antony;

Getting (more out of) Graphics: Practice and Principles of Data Visualisation

Chapman and Hall, 2024
Hardback 65 205 HUF

Unwin, Antony;

Getting (more out of) Graphics: Practice and Principles of Data Visualisation

Chapman and Hall, 2024
Paperback 27 526 HUF

Timbers, Tiffany; Campbell, Trevor; Lee, Melissa;

Data Science: A First Introduction with Python

Chapman and Hall, 2024
Paperback 26 560 HUF

Data Science: A First Introduction with Python Timbers, Tiffany; Campbell, Trevor; Lee, Melissa;

Data Science: A First Introduction with Python

Chapman and Hall, 2024
Hardback 67 620 HUF

Kronthaler, Franz;

Statistics Applied with the R Commander: Data Analysis Is (Not) an Art

Springer, 2024
Paperback 44 149 HUF

Ma, Wentao; Chen, Badong;

Adaptive Filtering Under Minimum Mean p-Power Error Criterion

Chapman and Hall, 2024
Hardback 74 865 HUF

Spatial Predictive Modeling with R Li, Jin;

Spatial Predictive Modeling with R

Chapman and Hall, 2024
Paperback 21 730 HUF

Petersen, Isaac T.;

Principles of Psychological Assessment: With Applied Examples in R

Chapman and Hall, 2024
Hardback 74 865 HUF

Learn R: As a Language Aphalo, Pedro J.;

Learn R: As a Language

Chapman and Hall, 2024
Hardback 74 865 HUF

Gratzer, George;

Text and Math Into LaTeX

Springer, 2024
Paperback 28 695 HUF

Handbook of Bayesian Variable Selection Tadesse, Mahlet G.; Vannucci, Marina; (ed.)

Handbook of Bayesian Variable Selection

Chapman and Hall, 2024
Paperback 28 492 HUF

Handbook of Multiple Comparisons Cui, Xinping; Dickhaus, Thorsten; Ding, Ying;(ed.)

Handbook of Multiple Comparisons

Chapman and Hall, 2024
Paperback 37 186 HUF

Matsuura, Kentaro;

Bayesian Statistical Modeling with Stan, R, and Python

Springer, 2024
Paperback 61 810 HUF

Computational Statistical Physics Böttcher, Lucas; Herrmann, Hans J.;

Computational Statistical Physics

Cambridge University Press, 2021
Hardback 28 975 HUF

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