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Search Term: Topics: Fine arts >> Sculpture and ceramics,

Number of matches: 21 834

Fine arts

Christian Schad: Catalogue Raisonné in five volumes / drawings and watercolors

Christian Schad: Catalogue Raisonné in five volumes / drawings and watercolors

Wienand Verlag, 2024
Hardback 30 536 HUF

Beyond East and West: Memoirs, Portraits and Essays Leach, Bernard

Beyond East and West: Memoirs, Portraits and Essays

Unicorn Publishing Group, 2021
Hardback 20 230 HUF

Ruth Baumgarte: Catalogue Raisonné Vol. I-III Steinmetz, Wiebke;

Ruth Baumgarte: Catalogue Raisonné Vol. I-III

Hirmer, 2024
Hardback 84 525 HUF

Alex O'Dell: Super Nature: A collection of photographs and essays on climate change, and a case for hope O'Dell, Alex;

Alex O'Dell: Super Nature: A collection of photographs and essays on climate change, and a case for hope

Kerber Verlag, 2024
Paperback 20 632 HUF

The Henraux Collection

The Henraux Collection

Thames & Hudson, 2024
Hardback 14 490 HUF

Zhang Ruyi Lietti, Manuela;

Zhang Ruyi

Thames & Hudson, 2024
Hardback 14 490 HUF

Gefilde/Scenery/Escenarios: Werke 2006 bis heute/Works 2006 until today/Obras de 2006 hasta hoy Barboza, Ana Teresa;

Gefilde/Scenery/Escenarios: Werke 2006 bis heute/Works 2006 until today/Obras de 2006 hasta hoy

Hardback 13 122 HUF

Joan Miró Feet on the Ground, Eyes on the Stars: Works from 1924 to 1936 Miro, Joan

Joan Miró Feet on the Ground, Eyes on the Stars: Works from 1924 to 1936

Ridinghouse, 2024
Hardback 13 487 HUF

Holzer, Harold;

Monument Man: The Life & Art of Daniel Chester French

Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, 2024
Paperback 12 075 HUF

This Place of Silence: Ohio's Cemeteries and Burial Grounds Adams, Ian; Schieber, Randall Lee; Smith, Robin L.;

This Place of Silence: Ohio's Cemeteries and Burial Grounds

Swallow Press, 2024
Paperback 12 553 HUF

Guggenheim, Patrizia; Tedeschi?pellan, Paola;

Varlin ? Die Bilder. Werkverzeichnis: Leben und Werk; Werkverzeichnis der Bilder; Interaktives Werkverzeichnis

Scheidegger and Spiess, 2024
Hardback 152 628 HUF

Stein, Wendy A.;

Divine Light: The Art of Mosaic in Rome, 300 - 1300 AD

Thames & Hudson, 2024
Hardback 19 295 HUF

Rittstein, Lukas

Lukás Rittstein: Natural: Between the Sky and the Earth

Kant, 2024
Hardback 28 901 HUF

Beruete, Santiago;Fabre, Luis Felipe(ed.)

In the Garden

Turner, 2024
Paperback 19 267 HUF

Horn, Roni

Roni Horn: Untitled

Forlaget Press, 2024
Hardback 19 267 HUF

Proenza, Gina, Schweizer, Nicole(ed.)

Gina Proenza

Jrp Ringier, 2024
Hardback 11 560 HUF

Carter, Ben

The Complete Guide to Low-Fire Glazes for Potters and Sculptors: Techniques, Recipes, and Inspiration for Low-Temperature Firing with Big Results

Quarry Books, 2024
Hardback 11 560 HUF

Bodet, Aude;Salmon, Béatrice(ed.)

Le Cyclop: A Monumental Folly by Tinguely, Saint Phalle, and Their Artist Friends: 1969-2023

Jrp Ringier, 2024
Paperback 11 560 HUF

Furniture Design, second edition: An Introduction to Development, Materials and Manufacturing Lawson, Stuart;

Furniture Design, second edition: An Introduction to Development, Materials and Manufacturing

Laurence King Publishing, 2024
Paperback 24 150 HUF

Noguchi, Isamu

Isamu Noguchi: A Sculptor's World

Steidl, 2024
Hardback 32 754 HUF

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