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Cultural anthropology, ethnology and folklore
Whitehouse, Harvey; Inheritance: The Evolutionary Origins of the Modern WorldHutchinson Heinemann, 2024Paperback 8 919 HUF |
Whitehouse, Harvey; Inheritance: The Evolutionary Origins of the Modern WorldPenguin, 2025Paperback 5 769 HUF |
Pontzer, Herman; Adaptable: The Surprising Science of Human DiversityAllen Lane, 2025Hardback 13 125 HUF |
Farys, Katharina; Naturen und Kulturen (ver)erben: Intergenerationelle Raum- und Identitätsnarrative in Calakmul, Mexikotranscript, 2024Paperback 25 647 HUF |
Quintana-Murci, Lluís; Human Peoples: On the Genetic Traces of Human Evolution, Migration and AdaptationAllen Lane, 2024Hardback 13 125 HUF |
Reiffen, Franziska; The Social Life of the Mall: Working and Dwelling in Urban Argentinatranscript, 2024Paperback 26 250 HUF |
Nur, Valerie; Die Unbeständigkeit der Dinge: Handwerk, Familie und Mobilität bei den Tuareg in NigerReimer, 2024Paperback 21 300 HUF |
King, Glenn E.; Baboon Perspectives on Early Human Ancestors: One Approach to Reconstructing Early Hominin Ecology and BehaviorSpringer, 2024Hardback 35 810 HUF |
Bauernkalender 2025: Wandkalender mit Bauernweisheiten und passenden BildernBlaustein, 2024Calendar 5 646 HUF |
Glück, Kim; Thubauville, Sophia; (ed.) Saving and Being Safe Away from Home: Savings and Insurance Associations in Ethiopia and Its Diasporatranscript, 2024Paperback 29 394 HUF |
Openshaw, Tobie; Karalekas, Dean; (ed.) Seeking the koko? ta?ay: Investigating the Origins of Little People Myths in Taiwan and BeyondBRILL, 2024Hardback 64 770 HUF |
Whitehouse, Harvey; Inheritance: The Evolutionary Origins of the Modern WorldHutchinson Heinemann, 2024Hardback 13 125 HUF |
Barrett, Ron; Zuckerman, Molly; Dudgeon, Matthew Ryan; Emerging Infections: Three Epidemiological Transitions from Prehistory to the PresentOUP Oxford, 2024Hardback 42 525 HUF |
Barrett, Ron; Zuckerman, Molly; Dudgeon, Matthew Ryan; Emerging Infections: Three Epidemiological Transitions from Prehistory to the PresentOUP Oxford, 2024Paperback 18 369 HUF |
Landesheimatbund Sachsen-Anhalt e. V.; (ed.) Konnex 2024: Zeitschrift für Heimat- und Regionalforschung in Sachsen-AnhaltWaxmann Verlag GmbH, 2024Paperback 11 302 HUF |
Koné, Amadou; La science des guérisseurs Bambara et Malinké: DEÉditions universitaires européennes, 2024Paperback 26 473 HUF |
Muller, Kal; Kamoro Natural Resources: West New Guinea Lowlands Cultures. DEGalda Verlag, 2024Paperback 35 645 HUF |
Allaqrow, Nuraddin; ShKOLA GONChARNOGO ISKUSSTVA XIVA-KATTABOG: TRADICII I PROCESSY TRANSFORMACII: V monografii rassmatriwaetsq ätnografiq drewnih goncharnyh shkol HorezmaSciencia Scripts, 2024Paperback 19 083 HUF |
Calvendo; Waurick, Kerstin; Indianische Impressionen (Tischkalender 2025 DIN A5 quer), CALVENDO Monatskalender: Ewige Weisheit - eine Hommage an das Leben der nordamerikanischen IndianerCalvendo, 2024Calendar 9 124 HUF |
Tufa, Shambel; Antropologia etnografica: Apprezzare la diversit? culturale del clan somalo IssaEdizioni Sapienza, 2024Paperback 24 299 HUF |
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