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Search Term: Topics: Religion >> Bibles and bible interpretations,

Number of matches: 73 272


Die Homilien zum Buch Levitikus Siquans, Agnethe; (ed.)

Die Homilien zum Buch Levitikus

De Gruyter, 2021
Hardback 51 560 HUF

1 Corinthians: A Commentary Ellis, E. Earle; , Wilder, Terry L.; (ed.)

1 Corinthians: A Commentary

T&T Clark, 2023
Paperback 19 315 HUF

Why the Bible Began: An Alternative History of Scripture and its Origins Wright, Jacob L.;

Why the Bible Began: An Alternative History of Scripture and its Origins

Cambridge University Press, 2023
Hardback 12 075 HUF

Coined By God ? Words and Phrases That First Appear in English Translations of the Bible: Words and Phrases That First Appear in English Translations of the Bible Malless, Stan; Mcquain, Jeff;

Coined By God ? Words and Phrases That First Appear in English Translations of the Bible: Words and Phrases That First Appear in English Translations of the Bible

W. W. Norton & Company, 2024
Paperback 8 935 HUF

Lederer, William J.;

Our Own Worst Enemy

W. W. Norton & Company, 2024
Paperback 9 660 HUF

Jesus for Everyone: Not Just Christians Levine, Amy-Jill

Jesus for Everyone: Not Just Christians

HarperOne, 2024
Hardback 11 556 HUF

Gastrointestinal Disease and Its Treatment in Ancient Mesopotamia: The Nineveh Treatise Johnson, J. Cale; Simkó, Krisztián;

Gastrointestinal Disease and Its Treatment in Ancient Mesopotamia: The Nineveh Treatise

De Gruyter, 2024
Hardback 72 193 HUF

Jesus for Everyone: Not Just Christians Levine, Amy-Jill

Jesus for Everyone: Not Just Christians

HarperCollins, 2024
Audio CD 19 571 HUF

Jesus for Everyone Lib/E: Not Just Christians Levine, Amy-Jill

Jesus for Everyone Lib/E: Not Just Christians

HarperCollins, 2024
Audio CD 33 553 HUF

Jesus for Everyone: Not Just Christians Levine, Amy-Jill

Jesus for Everyone: Not Just Christians

HarperCollins, 2024
Audio CD 21 901 HUF

Crossley, James, Crossley, James(ed.)

Companion to the New Testament: Introduction, Interpretation, Application

SCM Press, 2024
Paperback 15 414 HUF

Secrets of Heaven 3 ? Portable New Century Edition: Portable New Century Edition Volume 3 Swedenborg, Emanuel; Cooper, Lisa Hyatt;

Secrets of Heaven 3 ? Portable New Century Edition: Portable New Century Edition Volume 3

University of Chicago Press, 2024
Paperback 7 728 HUF

Lorein, Geert; Firth, David G.; Longman, Iii;

Ezra and Nehemiah ? An Introduction and Commentary: An Introduction and Commentary Volume 12

SPCK ? IVP US, 2024
Paperback 10 138 HUF

Kidner, Derek;

Ezra and Nehemiah

SPCK ? IVP US, 2024
Paperback 8 206 HUF

Secrets of Heaven 4 ? Portable New Century Edition: Portable New Century Edition Volume 4 Swedenborg, Emanuel; Cooper, Lisa Hyatt;

Secrets of Heaven 4 ? Portable New Century Edition: Portable New Century Edition Volume 4

University of Chicago Press, 2024
Paperback 7 728 HUF

Wilcock, Michael;

The Message of Psalms 1?72: Songs for the People of God

SPCK ? IVP US, 2024
Paperback 10 138 HUF

Gledhill, Tom;

The Message of the Song of Songs: The Lyrics of Love

SPCK ? IVP US, 2024
Paperback 10 138 HUF

Kidner, Derek;

The Message of Ecclesiastes: A Time to Mourn and a Time to Dance

SPCK ? IVP US, 2024
Paperback 8 206 HUF

Atkinson, David J.;

The Message of Proverbs: Wisdom for Life

SPCK ? IVP US, 2024
Paperback 8 206 HUF

Webb, Barry G.;

The Message of Isaiah: On Eagle's Wings

SPCK ? IVP US, 2024
Paperback 10 138 HUF

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