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Search Term: Topics: Biology, microbiology >> Histology,

Number of matches: 9 489

Biology, microbiology

Human Molecular Genetics Strachan, Tom;

Human Molecular Genetics

Garland Science, 2018
Paperback 36 220 HUF

Lynch, Michael R.;

Evolutionary Cell Biology: The Origins of Cellular Architecture

OUP Oxford, 2024
Hardback 36 225 HUF

Biological Science: Exploring the Science of Life Scott, Jon; Cameron, Gus; Goodenough, Anne; Hawkins, Dawn; Koenig, Jenny; Luck, Martin; Papachristodoulou, Despo; Snape, Alison; Yeoman, Kay; Goodwin, Mark;

Biological Science: Exploring the Science of Life

OUP Oxford, 2022
Paperback 31 390 HUF

Human Microanatomy: Cell Tissue and Organ Histology with Celebrity Medical Histories Stricker, Stephen A.;

Human Microanatomy: Cell Tissue and Organ Histology with Celebrity Medical Histories

CRC Press, 2022
Paperback 41 050 HUF

Regulatory Aspects of Gene Therapy and Cell Therapy Products: A Global Perspective Galli, Maria Cristina; (ed.)

Regulatory Aspects of Gene Therapy and Cell Therapy Products: A Global Perspective

Springer, 2023
Hardback 61 810 HUF

Biological Science: Exploring the Science of Life, Biomedical Edition Scott, Jon; Cameron, Gus; Goodenough, Anne; Hawkins, Dawn; Koenig, Jenny; Luck, Martin; Papachristodoulou, Despo; Snape, Alison; Yeoman, Kay; Goodwin, Mark;

Biological Science: Exploring the Science of Life, Biomedical Edition

OUP Oxford, 2022
Paperback 23 662 HUF

Cell of Cells ? The Global Race to Capture and Control the Stem Cell: The Global Race to Capture and Control the Stem Cell Fox, Cynthia;

Cell of Cells ? The Global Race to Capture and Control the Stem Cell: The Global Race to Capture and Control the Stem Cell

W. W. Norton & Company, 2024
Paperback 13 041 HUF

Lemasters, John J.; (ed.)

Mitophagy in Health and Disease: Mechanisms, Health Implications, and Therapeutic Opportunities

Academic Press, 2024
Paperback 63 960 HUF

Townsend, Danyelle; Townsend, Danyelle; Schmidt, Ed; (ed.)

Redox Signaling

Academic Press, 2024
Hardback 50 343 HUF

Fisher, Paul B.; Fisher, Paul B.; Madan, Esha;(ed.)

Cutting Edge Artificial Intelligence, Spatial Transcriptomics and Proteomics Approaches to Analyze Cancer

Academic Press, 2024
Hardback 50 343 HUF

Miller, Seumas; Bossomaier, Terry;

Cybersecurity, Ethics, and Collective Responsibility

OUP USA, 2024
Hardback 11 104 HUF

Macedo Gonzales, Rodney; Macedo Gonzales, Rodney; Galluzzi, Lorenzo; (ed.)

Chemokine Receptors in Health and Disease

Academic Press, 2024
Hardback 70 563 HUF

Fisher, Paul B.; Fisher, Paul B.; Semmes, O. John;(ed.)

Current Status of Prostate Cancer: Diagnosis, Biomarkers and Therapies

Academic Press, 2024
Hardback 50 343 HUF

Tollefsbol, Trygve; (ed.)

Personalized Epigenetics

Academic Press, 2024
Paperback 70 150 HUF

Reduzzi, Carolina; Reduzzi, Carolina; Gerratana, Lorenzo;(ed.)

Circulating Tumor Cells, From Biotech Innovation to Clinical Utility Part B

Academic Press, 2024
Hardback 70 563 HUF

Rezaei, Nima; (ed.)

Comprehensive Hematology and Stem Cell Research

Elsevier, 2024
Hardback 909 480 HUF

Le Foll, Bernard; (ed.)

Anandamide in Health and Disease

Academic Press, 2024
Paperback 63 960 HUF

Cohen, William W.; Cohen, Charles K.;

A Computer Scientist's Guide to Cell Biology

Springer, 2024
Hardback 17 657 HUF

Nelson, Celeste M.; (ed.)

Tissue Morphogenesis: Methods and Protocols

Humana, 2024
Hardback 88 302 HUF

Gadd, Geoffrey M.; Gadd, Geoffrey M.; Sariaslani, Sima

Advances in Applied Microbiology

Academic Press, 2024
Hardback 42 090 HUF

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