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Search Term: Topics: Philosophy >> Metaphysics and ontology,

Number of matches: 9 601


The Cambridge Companion to Plato Ebrey, David; Kraut, Richard; (ed.)

The Cambridge Companion to Plato

Cambridge University Press, 2022
Paperback 13 036 HUF

The Routledge Companion to Pragmatism Aikin, Scott F.; Talisse, Robert B.; (ed.)

The Routledge Companion to Pragmatism

Routledge, 2024
Paperback 21 247 HUF

Ibn S?n? (Avicenna): A Very Short Introduction Adamson, Peter;

Ibn S?n? (Avicenna): A Very Short Introduction

OUP Oxford, 2023
Paperback 4 342 HUF

Brooklyn Existentialism ? Voices from the Stoop explaining how Philosophical Realism can bring about the Restoration of Character, Intelligence a: Voices from the Stoop Explaining How Philosophical Realism Can Bring about the Restoration of Character, Intelligence Diclementi, Arthur; Langiulli, Nino;

Brooklyn Existentialism ? Voices from the Stoop explaining how Philosophical Realism can bring about the Restoration of Character, Intelligence a: Voices from the Stoop Explaining How Philosophical Realism Can Bring about the Restoration of Character, Intelligence

University of Chicago Press, 2024
Paperback 11 109 HUF

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Spinoza van Bunge, Wiep; Krop, Henri; Steenbakkers, Piet;(ed.)

The Bloomsbury Handbook of Spinoza

Bloomsbury Academic, 2024
Hardback 62 790 HUF

Kennedy, Gabriel

Chapel Perilous: The Life and Thought Crimes of Robert Anton Wilson

Strange Attractor Press, 2024
Paperback 9 614 HUF

A Wandering Dance through the Philosophy of Graham Parkes: Comparative Perspectives on Art and Nature Jones, David; (ed.)

A Wandering Dance through the Philosophy of Graham Parkes: Comparative Perspectives on Art and Nature

Bloomsbury Academic, 2024
Hardback 41 055 HUF

Be Not Afraid of Life: In the Words of William James James, William; , Kaag, John; van Belle, Jonathan; (ed.)

Be Not Afraid of Life: In the Words of William James

Princeton University Press, 2024
Paperback 7 240 HUF

Mysteriorum Libri Quinque: Dr. John Dee's Five Books of Mysteries Peterson, Joseph(ed.)

Mysteriorum Libri Quinque: Dr. John Dee's Five Books of Mysteries

Weiser Books, 2024
Hardback 34 681 HUF

Klein, Alexander Mugar; (ed.)

The Oxford Handbook of William James

OUP USA, 2024
Hardback 55 545 HUF

Reid, James D.

Novalis: Philosophical, Literary, and Poetic Writings

OUP USA, 2024
Hardback 37 674 HUF

Correspondences of the Bible: Human Body ? The Human Body: The Human Body Worcester, John;

Correspondences of the Bible: Human Body ? The Human Body: The Human Body

University of Chicago Press, 2024
Paperback 5 796 HUF

Correspondences of the Bible: Plants ? The Plants: The Plants, The Minerals and The Atmospheres Worcester, John;

Correspondences of the Bible: Plants ? The Plants: The Plants, The Minerals and The Atmospheres

University of Chicago Press, 2024
Paperback 5 796 HUF

Correspondences of the Bible: Animals ? The Animals: The Animals Worcester, John;

Correspondences of the Bible: Animals ? The Animals: The Animals

University of Chicago Press, 2024
Paperback 5 796 HUF

Bardon, Adrian;

A Brief History of the Philosophy of Time

OUP USA, 2024
Paperback 9 655 HUF

Philosophical Health: A Practical Introduction Miranda, Luis de;

Philosophical Health: A Practical Introduction

Bloomsbury Academic, 2024
Paperback 8 206 HUF

Prosaic Times: Time as Subject in Wordsworth, Richardson, Flaubert, and Melville Park, John;

Prosaic Times: Time as Subject in Wordsworth, Richardson, Flaubert, and Melville

Bloomsbury Academic, 2024
Hardback 36 225 HUF

Philosophical Health: A Practical Introduction Miranda, Luis de;

Philosophical Health: A Practical Introduction

Bloomsbury Academic, 2024
Hardback 24 150 HUF

Kairós: In Defence of 'Due Time' Marramao, Giacomo;

Kairós: In Defence of 'Due Time'

Bloomsbury Academic, 2024
Hardback 26 565 HUF

Kairós: In Defence of 'Due Time' Marramao, Giacomo;

Kairós: In Defence of 'Due Time'

Bloomsbury Academic, 2024
Paperback 8 689 HUF

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