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Search Term: Topics: Engineering >> Printing and publishing,

Number of matches: 121


Ohta, Noboru; Imai, Francisco;

Optimization of Colour Reproduction

Wiley & Sons, 2023
Hardback 33 810 HUF

The Gutenberg Parenthesis: The Age of Print and Its Lessons for the Age of the Internet Jarvis, Jeff;

The Gutenberg Parenthesis: The Age of Print and Its Lessons for the Age of the Internet

Bloomsbury Academic, 2023
Hardback 9 660 HUF

Portable Magic: A History of Books and their Readers Smith, Emma;

Portable Magic: A History of Books and their Readers

Penguin, 2023
Paperback 5 308 HUF

Paper in Medieval England: From Pulp to Fictions Da Rold, Orietta;

Paper in Medieval England: From Pulp to Fictions

Cambridge University Press, 2022
Paperback 14 485 HUF

Printmaking for Beginners Stobart, Jane;

Printmaking for Beginners

Herbert Press, 2022
Paperback 9 660 HUF

Book, Text, Medium: Cross-Sectional Reading for a Digital Age Stewart, Garrett;

Book, Text, Medium: Cross-Sectional Reading for a Digital Age

Cambridge University Press, 2021
Paperback 14 968 HUF

Musical Authorship from Schütz to Bach Rose, Stephen;

Musical Authorship from Schütz to Bach

Cambridge University Press, 2021
Paperback 14 968 HUF

Paper in Medieval England: From Pulp to Fictions Da Rold, Orietta;

Paper in Medieval England: From Pulp to Fictions

Cambridge University Press, 2020
Hardback 38 635 HUF

Shakespeare in Print: A History and Chronology of Shakespeare Publishing Murphy, Andrew;

Shakespeare in Print: A History and Chronology of Shakespeare Publishing

Cambridge University Press, 2021
Hardback 56 028 HUF

The European Book in the Twelfth Century Kwakkel, Erik; Thomson, Rodney; (ed.)

The European Book in the Twelfth Century

Cambridge University Press, 2021
Paperback 17 866 HUF

The Renaissance Reform of the Book and Britain: The English Quattrocento Rundle, David;

The Renaissance Reform of the Book and Britain: The English Quattrocento

Cambridge University Press, 2021
Paperback 17 866 HUF

Book, Text, Medium: Cross-Sectional Reading for a Digital Age Stewart, Garrett;

Book, Text, Medium: Cross-Sectional Reading for a Digital Age

Cambridge University Press, 2021
Hardback 38 635 HUF

3D Printers for Woodworkers: A Short Introduction Doolittle, Henry;

3D Printers for Woodworkers: A Short Introduction

Linden Publishing (US), 2020
Paperback 9 172 HUF

The Work of Literary Translation Scott, Clive;

The Work of Literary Translation

Cambridge University Press, 2020
Paperback 14 968 HUF

Blindness and Writing: From Wordsworth to Gissing Tilley, Heather;

Blindness and Writing: From Wordsworth to Gissing

Cambridge University Press, 2019
Paperback 14 968 HUF

Musical Authorship from Schütz to Bach Rose, Stephen;

Musical Authorship from Schütz to Bach

Cambridge University Press, 2019
Hardback 43 470 HUF

The Renaissance Reform of the Book and Britain: The English Quattrocento Rundle, David;

The Renaissance Reform of the Book and Britain: The English Quattrocento

Cambridge University Press, 2019
Hardback 50 715 HUF

The European Book in the Twelfth Century Kwakkel, Erik; Thomson, Rodney; (ed.)

The European Book in the Twelfth Century

Cambridge University Press, 2018
Hardback 51 198 HUF

Designing for Print: An In-Depth Guide to Planning, Creating, and Producing Successful Design Projects Conover, Charles;

Designing for Print: An In-Depth Guide to Planning, Creating, and Producing Successful Design Projects

John Wiley & Sons, 2003
Paperback 16 417 HUF

Print Culture in Renaissance Italy: The Editor and the Vernacular Text, 1470-1600 Richardson, Brian;

Print Culture in Renaissance Italy: The Editor and the Vernacular Text, 1470-1600

Cambridge University Press, 1994
Hardback 43 470 HUF

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