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Search Term: Topics: Computing in general, computer science theory >> Data management in computer systems,

Number of matches: 16 272

Computing in general, computer science theory

Fundamentals of Data Visualization: A Primer on Making Informative and Compelling Figures Wilke, Claus;

Fundamentals of Data Visualization: A Primer on Making Informative and Compelling Figures

O'Reilly, 2019
Paperback 30 907 HUF

Text as Data: A New Framework for Machine Learning and the Social Sciences Grimmer, Justin; Roberts, Margaret E.; Stewart, Brandon M.;

Text as Data: A New Framework for Machine Learning and the Social Sciences

Princeton University Press, 2022
Paperback 18 354 HUF

Business Intelligence and Analytics in Small and Medium Enterprises Melo, Pedro Novo; Machado, Carolina; (ed.)

Business Intelligence and Analytics in Small and Medium Enterprises

CRC Press, 2021
Paperback 22 213 HUF

Artificial Intelligence and the Law: Cybercrime and Criminal Liability Baker, Dennis J.; Robinson, Paul H.; (ed.)

Artificial Intelligence and the Law: Cybercrime and Criminal Liability

Routledge, 2022
Paperback 19 315 HUF

AI for Finance Tsang, Edward P. K.;

AI for Finance

CRC Press, 2023
Paperback 11 104 HUF

Cybercrime and Information Technology: The Computer Network Infrastructure and Computer Security, Cybersecurity Laws, Internet of Things (IoT), and Mobile Devices Alexandrou, Alex;

Cybercrime and Information Technology: The Computer Network Infrastructure and Computer Security, Cybersecurity Laws, Internet of Things (IoT), and Mobile Devices

CRC Press, 2021
Paperback 31 390 HUF

Practical Statistics for Data Scientists, 2e: 50+ Essential Concepts Using R and Python Bruce, Peter; Bruce, Andrew; Gedeck, Peter;

Practical Statistics for Data Scientists, 2e: 50+ Essential Concepts Using R and Python

O'Reilly, 2020
Paperback 30 907 HUF

End Times: Elites, Counter-Elites and the Path of Political Disintegration Turchin, Peter;

End Times: Elites, Counter-Elites and the Path of Political Disintegration

Penguin, 2024
Paperback 5 308 HUF

Ullah Khan, Inam; Ouaissa, Mariya; Ouaissa, Mariyam; Abou El Houda, Zakaria; Fazal Ijaz, Muhammad; (ed.)

Cyber Security for Next-Generation Computing Technologies

CRC Press, 2024
Hardback 53 130 HUF

Rashid, Faizur; Rashid, Sadaf;

Digital Freedom

CRC Press, 2023
Paperback 21 730 HUF

Alon, Uri;

Systems Medicine: Physiological Circuits and the Dynamics of Disease

Chapman and Hall, 2023
Paperback 26 560 HUF

The Trouble With Big Data: How Datafication Displaces Cultural Practices Edmond, Jennifer; Horsley, Nicola; Lehmann, Jörg;

The Trouble With Big Data: How Datafication Displaces Cultural Practices

Bloomsbury Academic, 2023
Paperback 14 002 HUF

Data Ethics: Practical Strategies for Implementing Ethical Information Management and Governance O'Keefe, Katherine; O Brien, Daragh;

Data Ethics: Practical Strategies for Implementing Ethical Information Management and Governance

Kogan Page, 2023
Paperback 21 730 HUF

Zhan, Justin; Matwin, Stan;

Secure Data Mining

Springer, 2024
Hardback 29 562 HUF

Computational Methods for Affect Detection from Natural Language Balahur-Dobrescu, Alexandra; Taboada, Maite; Schuller, Björn W.;

Computational Methods for Affect Detection from Natural Language

Springer, 2024
Hardback 39 734 HUF

Desmedt, Yvo;

Secure Public Key Infrastructure: Standards, PGP and Beyond

Springer, 2024
Hardback 33 994 HUF

Trajcevski, Goce;

Compression of Mobility Data

Springer, 2024
Hardback 39 734 HUF

Learning DevSecOps: Integrating Continuous Security Across Your Organization Ribeiro, Michelle; David, Matthew;

Learning DevSecOps: Integrating Continuous Security Across Your Organization

O'Reilly, 2024
Paperback 19 315 HUF

Selle, Stefan;

Data Science Training - Supervised Learning: Ein praktischer Einstieg ins überwachte maschinelle Lernen

Springer Vieweg, 2024
Paperback 16 501 HUF

Evasive Malware: Understanding Deceptive and Self-Defending Threats Cucci, Kyle;

Evasive Malware: Understanding Deceptive and Self-Defending Threats

No Starch Press, 2024
Paperback 27 526 HUF

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