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Search Term: Topics: Design >> Design in general,

Number of matches: 9 389


1000 Design Classics Phaidon Editors;

1000 Design Classics

Phaidon Press, 2022
Hardback 33 785 HUF

Stahlrohrrevolution!: Kálmán Lengyel, Marcel Breuer, Anton Lorenz und das Neue Möbel Engelhard, Susanne; Graner, Susanne; Horányi, Éva; Jaeger, Roland; Janik, Christoph; , Engelhard, Susanne; Janik, Christoph; Bröhan Design Foundation; Bröhan, Torsten; (ed.)

Stahlrohrrevolution!: Kálmán Lengyel, Marcel Breuer, Anton Lorenz und das Neue Möbel

Arnoldsche, 2023
Hardback 19 807 HUF

Warplane 13 ? CW?21 Interceptor: CW-21 Interceptor Hoogschagen, Edwin;

Warplane 13 ? CW?21 Interceptor: CW-21 Interceptor

Amsterdam University Press, 2024
Paperback 9 152 HUF

Where Architects Stay at the Atlantic Ocean: France, Portugal, Spain: Lodgings for Design Enthusiasts Kramer, Sibylle;

Where Architects Stay at the Atlantic Ocean: France, Portugal, Spain: Lodgings for Design Enthusiasts

Braun Publishing, 2024
Hardback 12 050 HUF

Henry, Kevin;

Drawing for Product Designers Second Edition: From Hand Sketching to Virtual Reality

Laurence King Publishing, 2024
Paperback 24 150 HUF

Carnick, Anna; Carpenter, Wava;

dieDASdocs (Bilingual edition): Monumental Affairs: Living With Contested Spaces

Thames & Hudson, 2024
Paperback 13 524 HUF

George Nelson ? Ein Designer im Kalten Krieg ? Ausstellungen für die United States Information Agency 1957 ? 1972: Ausstellungen für die United States Information Agency 1957-1972 Eisenbrand, Jochen;

George Nelson ? Ein Designer im Kalten Krieg ? Ausstellungen für die United States Information Agency 1957 ? 1972: Ausstellungen für die United States Information Agency 1957-1972

Park Books, 2024
Hardback 17 871 HUF

Singular Sensations ? A Cultural History of One?Panel Comics in the United States: A Cultural History of One-Panel Comics in the United States Abate, Michelle Ann;

Singular Sensations ? A Cultural History of One?Panel Comics in the United States: A Cultural History of One-Panel Comics in the United States

John Wiley & Sons, 2024
Paperback 13 519 HUF

Essential Vectorworks Skills for Scenic and Production Designers: Drawing, Rendering, Modeling, Drafting, and Presenting Chen, Ming;

Essential Vectorworks Skills for Scenic and Production Designers: Drawing, Rendering, Modeling, Drafting, and Presenting

Focal Press, 2024
Hardback 62 790 HUF

Chen, Ming;

Essential Vectorworks Skills for Scenic and Production Designers: Drawing, Rendering, Modeling, Drafting, and Presenting

Focal Press, 2024
Paperback 19 315 HUF

Tabb, Phillip James; Tatriele, Lahra;

Wellness Architecture and Urban Design

Routledge, 2024
Paperback 15 451 HUF

Wellness Architecture and Urban Design Tabb, Phillip James; Tatriele, Lahra;

Wellness Architecture and Urban Design

Routledge, 2024
Hardback 62 790 HUF

Marketing Fashion Third Edition: Strategy, Branding and Promotion Posner, Harriet;

Marketing Fashion Third Edition: Strategy, Branding and Promotion

Laurence King Publishing, 2024
Paperback 19 320 HUF

Decolonising Design in Africa: Towards New Theories, Methods, and Practices Ofosu-Asare, Yaw;

Decolonising Design in Africa: Towards New Theories, Methods, and Practices

Routledge, 2024
Paperback 17 383 HUF

Decolonising Design in Africa: Towards New Theories, Methods, and Practices Ofosu-Asare, Yaw;

Decolonising Design in Africa: Towards New Theories, Methods, and Practices

Routledge, 2024
Hardback 62 790 HUF

Teston, Liz; (ed.)

Public Interiority: Exploring Interiors in the Public Realm

Routledge, 2024
Paperback 17 866 HUF

Teston, Liz; (ed.)

Public Interiority: Exploring Interiors in the Public Realm

Routledge, 2024
Hardback 65 205 HUF

McCuskey Shepley, Mardelle; (ed.)

Peace by Design

Routledge, 2024
Hardback 62 790 HUF

McCuskey Shepley, Mardelle; (ed.)

Peace by Design

Routledge, 2024
Paperback 17 866 HUF

Analysing Museum Display: Theory and Method Whitehead, Christopher;

Analysing Museum Display: Theory and Method

Routledge, 2024
Paperback 17 866 HUF

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