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Search Term: Topics: Art history, art trends >> Second half of 20th century and 21st century,

Number of matches: 4 477

Art history, art trends

Objects in Exile: Modern Art and Design across Borders, 1930?1960 Schuldenfrei, Robin;

Objects in Exile: Modern Art and Design across Borders, 1930?1960

Princeton University Press, 2024
Hardback 26 565 HUF

Surreal Spaces: The Life and Art of Leonora Carrington Moorhead, Joanna;

Surreal Spaces: The Life and Art of Leonora Carrington

Princeton University Press, 2023
Hardback 18 354 HUF

Wheelhouse: Paintings & Works on Paper Singer, Alan

Wheelhouse: Paintings & Works on Paper

Artvoices Art Books, 2024
Hardback 15 414 HUF

Posthuman Knowledge and the Critical Posthumanities Braidotti, Rosi

Posthuman Knowledge and the Critical Posthumanities

Sternberg Press, 2024
Paperback 6 936 HUF

Smile Again... Burkeman, DB

Smile Again...

Blurring Books, 2024
Hardback 9 633 HUF

Balance Art & Nature Revised Edition: Art and Nature Grande, John K.;

Balance Art & Nature Revised Edition: Art and Nature

Black Rose Books, 2024
Paperback 8 694 HUF

The Machine Anxieties of Steampunk: Contemporary Philosophy, Victorian Aesthetics, and the Future Albrecht, Kathe Hicks;

The Machine Anxieties of Steampunk: Contemporary Philosophy, Victorian Aesthetics, and the Future

Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2024
Paperback 12 070 HUF

What to Let Go? Costinas, Cosmin(ed.)

What to Let Go?

Sternberg Press, 2024
Hardback 12 697 HUF

Chaimowicz, Marc Camille

Writings and Interviews

Sternberg Press, 2024
Paperback 10 789 HUF

Tippner, Anja; Lindbladh, Johanna; (ed.)

The Art of Witnessing: Documentary Art, Literature, Film and Theatre in Eastern Europe and the Baltics

Central European University Press, 2024
Hardback 38 535 HUF

Portrait of the Art Dealer as a Young Man: New York in the Sixties Findlay, Michael

Portrait of the Art Dealer as a Young Man: New York in the Sixties

Prestel Publishing, 2024
Hardback 13 487 HUF

Churner, Rachel;Maxin, Tyler(ed.)

The New Television: Video After Television

No Place Press, 2024
Hardback 17 340 HUF

Ridykes' Cavern of Fine Inverted Wines and Deviant Videos Ridykeulous

Ridykes' Cavern of Fine Inverted Wines and Deviant Videos

MIT Press, 2024
Paperback 15 394 HUF

Selected Works 20102024 Kantarovsky, Sanya

Selected Works 20102024

MIT Press, 2024
Hardback 23 101 HUF

Heartney, Eleanor;Princenthal, Nancy

Mothers of Invention: The Feminist Roots of Contemporary Art

Lund Humphries Publishers Ltd, 2024
Hardback 17 336 HUF

The Met and the Masses in Postwar America: A Study of the Museum and Popular Art Education Frank, Mitchell B.;

The Met and the Masses in Postwar America: A Study of the Museum and Popular Art Education

Bloomsbury Visual Arts, 2024
Paperback 12 070 HUF

Turner, Dare; Grothe, Leila;

Preoccupied ? Indigenizing the Museum: Indigenizing the Museum

MV ? University of Washington Press, 2024
Hardback 21 735 HUF

Heavyweight: Black Boxers and the Fight for Representation Saggese, Jordana Moore;

Heavyweight: Black Boxers and the Fight for Representation

Duke University Press Books, 2024
Hardback 46 851 HUF

Heavyweight: Black Boxers and the Fight for Representation Saggese, Jordana Moore;

Heavyweight: Black Boxers and the Fight for Representation

Duke University Press Books, 2024
Paperback 12 070 HUF

Biennial Boom: Making Contemporary Art Global Checa-Gismero, Paloma;

Biennial Boom: Making Contemporary Art Global

Duke University Press Books, 2024
Paperback 12 070 HUF

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