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Search Term: Topics: Art history, art trends >> Baroque,

Number of matches: 1 213

Art history, art trends

Masterpiece in Residence: Sánchez Cotán Quince, Cabbage, Melon, and Cucumber Cherry, Peter

Masterpiece in Residence: Sánchez Cotán Quince, Cabbage, Melon, and Cucumber

Scala Arts Publishers Inc., 2024
Paperback 5 760 HUF

Feltens, Frank; Berry, Paul;

Imagined Neighbors: Visions of China in Japanese Art 1680 1980

Hirmer Verlag GmbH, 2024
Hardback 24 150 HUF

Koja, Stephan;

Hercules of the Arts: Johann Adam Andreas I von Liechtenstein and Vienna around 1700

Thames & Hudson, 2024
Hardback 16 905 HUF

Cumming, Laura

Thunderclap: A Memoir of Art and Life and Sudden Death

Scribner Book Company, 2024
Paperback 8 088 HUF

Gilks, David;

Quatrem?re de Quincy: Art and Politics during the French Revolution

OUP Oxford, 2024
Hardback 43 470 HUF

Greenberg, Daniel M.; Hara, Mari Yoko; (ed.)

From Rome to Beijing: Sacred Spaces in Dialogue

BRILL, 2024
Hardback 57 358 HUF

The Golden Age of Dutch and Flemish Painting

Prestel Publishing, 2024
Hardback 19 267 HUF

Sketching Splendor: American Natural History, 1750-1850 Majeski, Anna; , Society, American Philosophical; (ed.)

Sketching Splendor: American Natural History, 1750-1850

The American Philosophical Society Press, 2024
Paperback 12 553 HUF

Levesque, Catherine;

Jacob van Ruisdael?s Ecological Landscapes

Amsterdam University Press, 2024
Hardback 56 511 HUF

Caravaggio: The Ecce Homo Unveiled Christiansen, Keith, Christiansen, Keith;Porzio, Giuseppe(ed.)

Caravaggio: The Ecce Homo Unveiled

Marsilio Arte, 2024
Hardback 15 394 HUF

de Winkel, Marieke

Rembrandt. the Complete Self-Portraits

Taschen, 2024
Hardback 7 707 HUF

Artemisia Gentileschi and the Business of Art Marshall, Christopher R.;

Artemisia Gentileschi and the Business of Art

Princeton University Press, 2024
Hardback 26 565 HUF

Zanon, Giulia;

Cittadini of Venice: Shaping Identities between Networks and Patronage (c. 1530-1690)

BRILL, 2024
Hardback 61 484 HUF

Quinn, Bridget

Portrait of a Woman: Art, Rivalry, and Revolution in the Life of Adélaďde Labille-Guiard

Chronicle Books, 2024
Hardback 10 621 HUF

Carey, Juliet

King David and the Wise Women: Guercino at Waddesdon

Paul Holberton Publishing, 2024
Hardback 8 670 HUF

de Winkel, Marieke

Rembrandt. Los Autorretratos

Taschen, 2024
Hardback 7 707 HUF

de Winkel, Marieke

Rembrandt. Les Autoportraits

Taschen, 2024
Hardback 7 707 HUF

Waanders Publishers(ed.)

Pioneering Ceramics

Uitgeverij Waanders & de Kunst, 2024
Paperback 15 394 HUF

A Cultural History of Objects in the Age of Enlightenment Horning, Audrey; (ed.)

A Cultural History of Objects in the Age of Enlightenment

Bloomsbury Academic, 2024
Paperback 12 553 HUF

A Cultural History of Color in the Age of Enlightenment Biggam, Carole P.; Wolf, Kirsten; (ed.)

A Cultural History of Color in the Age of Enlightenment

Bloomsbury Academic, 2024
Paperback 12 553 HUF

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