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Developments in Yarn Spinning Technologies

Kiadó: Woodhead Publishing
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EUR 205.00
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84 593 Ft (80 565 Ft + 5% áfa)
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76 134 (72 509 Ft + 5% áfa )
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Hosszú leírás:
Developments in Yarn Spinning Technologies explores the recent advancements in yarn spinning technologies, focusing on improving production and embracing sustainability. While ring spinning remains popular, newer developments in rotor spinning and natural fibre spinning systems are covered.

This book also addresses challenges, including the circularity theory, providing concise insights into the evolving landscape of yarn spinning technologies. Ideal for professionals and researchers alike, this book offers valuable perspectives on the industry’s dynamic changes.

1 Overview of developments in yarn spinning technology 2 Opening and Cleaning of fibres: Latest developments 3 Combing and Draw frames 4 Speed frames and ring frames 5 Compact spinning 6 Rotor spinning 7 Air vortex spinning 8 Yarn structure - properties relationship 9 Industry 4.0 (Application of Artificial Intelligence, Machine learning and Internet of things) and developments in spinning technologies Industry 4.0 includes application of IoT, AI, ML and other techniques which is revolutionising the industrial technologies. Similarly, there is increased use of these techniques in latest spinning machines. This chapter will discuss about those applications and benefit accrued. 10 Worsted spinning technologies 11 Woollen spinning technologies 12 Recycling of textile materials and spinning of recycled fibres 13 Spinning of bast fibres and other natural unconventional fibres