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Kereső kifejezés: Témák: Számítástechnika általában, számítástechnika-elmélet >> A számítástudomány elmélete, a számítástechnika általában,

Találatok száma: 71 043

Számítástechnika általában, számítástechnika-elmélet

R for Data Science, 2e Wickham, Hadley; Grolemund, Garrett; Cetinkaya?rundel, Mine;

R for Data Science, 2e

O?Reilly, 2023
Puhakötés 33 594 Ft

Hands?On Machine Learning with Scikit?Learn, Keras , and TensorFlow 3e: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques to Build Intelligent Systems Géron, Aurélien;

Hands?On Machine Learning with Scikit?Learn, Keras , and TensorFlow 3e: Concepts, Tools, and Techniques to Build Intelligent Systems

O'Reilly, 2022
Puhakötés 37 794 Ft

Data-Driven Science and Engineering: Machine Learning, Dynamical Systems, and Control Brunton, Steven L.; Kutz, J. Nathan;

Data-Driven Science and Engineering: Machine Learning, Dynamical Systems, and Control

Cambridge University Press, 2022
Keménykötés 26 244 Ft

Emotions in a Digital World: Social Research 4.0 Scribano, Adrian;

Emotions in a Digital World: Social Research 4.0

Routledge, 2022
Puhakötés 18 894 Ft

Cryptocurrency Concepts, Technology, and Applications Liebowitz, Jay; (ed.)

Cryptocurrency Concepts, Technology, and Applications

Auerbach Publications, 2023
Puhakötés 22 569 Ft

Fundamentals of Data Visualization: A Primer on Making Informative and Compelling Figures Wilke, Claus;

Fundamentals of Data Visualization: A Primer on Making Informative and Compelling Figures

O'Reilly, 2019
Puhakötés 33 594 Ft

Text as Data: A New Framework for Machine Learning and the Social Sciences Grimmer, Justin; Roberts, Margaret E.; Stewart, Brandon M.;

Text as Data: A New Framework for Machine Learning and the Social Sciences

Princeton University Press, 2022
Puhakötés 19 950 Ft

Business Intelligence and Analytics in Small and Medium Enterprises Melo, Pedro Novo; Machado, Carolina; (ed.)

Business Intelligence and Analytics in Small and Medium Enterprises

CRC Press, 2021
Puhakötés 24 144 Ft

This is Service Design Doing: Applying Service Design Thinking in the Real World Stickdorn, Marc; Edgar Hormess, Markus; Lawrence, Adam;

This is Service Design Doing: Applying Service Design Thinking in the Real World

O'Reilly, 2018
Puhakötés 20 994 Ft

Artificial Intelligence and the Law: Cybercrime and Criminal Liability Baker, Dennis J.; Robinson, Paul H.; (ed.)

Artificial Intelligence and the Law: Cybercrime and Criminal Liability

Routledge, 2022
Puhakötés 20 994 Ft

Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies Bostrom, Nick;

Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, Strategies

OUP Oxford, 2016
Puhakötés 6 294 Ft

Digitization, Copyright and the Law: Copyleft and the Future of Intellectual Property Lombardi, Ettore M.;

Digitization, Copyright and the Law: Copyleft and the Future of Intellectual Property

Routledge, 2024
Keménykötés 86 625 Ft

Agricultural Internet of Things and Decision Support for Precision Smart Farming Castrignano, Annamaria; Buttafuoco, Gabriele; Khosla, Raj;(ed.)

Agricultural Internet of Things and Decision Support for Precision Smart Farming

Academic Press, 2020
Puhakötés 57 380 Ft

Learn R: As a Language Aphalo, Pedro J.;

Learn R: As a Language

Chapman and Hall, 2024
Puhakötés 33 594 Ft

Cyber Law and Ethics: Regulation of the Connected World Grabowski, Mark; Robinson, Eric P.;

Cyber Law and Ethics: Regulation of the Connected World

Routledge, 2021
Puhakötés 36 219 Ft

Designing Machine Learning Systems: An Iterative Process for Production-Ready Applications Huyen, Chip;

Designing Machine Learning Systems: An Iterative Process for Production-Ready Applications

O'Reilly, 2022
Puhakötés 27 819 Ft

Python for Data Analysis 3e Mckinney, Wes;

Python for Data Analysis 3e

O?Reilly, 2022
Puhakötés 33 594 Ft

The Future is Digital: How Complexity and Artificial Intelligence will Shape Our Lives and Work Rzevski, George;

The Future is Digital: How Complexity and Artificial Intelligence will Shape Our Lives and Work

Springer, 2023
Puhakötés 15 344 Ft

The Big Book of Drones DeFrangesco, Ralph; DeFrangesco, Stephanie;

The Big Book of Drones

CRC Press, 2022
Puhakötés 14 169 Ft

Intellectual Property Protection for AI-generated Creations: Europe, United States, Australia and Japan Ramalho, Ana;

Intellectual Property Protection for AI-generated Creations: Europe, United States, Australia and Japan

Routledge, 2021
Keménykötés 73 500 Ft

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